Tag Archives: Raymond Ibrahim christian persecution

The Muslim Transatlantic Slave Trade that no one Talks About

The Muslim Transatlantic Slave Trade: Raymond Ibrahim Herland Report

  Herland Report: The Muslim Transatlantic Slave Trade: In Africa, the slave trade was driven by indigenous Africans and Arabs centuries before the European got involved. The African tribes were, as still today, divided in tribal structures. At the time, they were sharply divided and fought each other, the victor taking slaves from the other tribe. These slaves were then …

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Christianity is the most Persecuted Religion in the World

Jesus lived in a police state, much like America today - John Whitehead Herland Report

  While you might have seen a decrease in mainstream media reporting regarding Christian persecution, there has only been an increase in the persecution taking place against Christians around the world. According to the Gatestone Institute, persecution of Christians by extremist groups and individuals is continuing to climb, as the persecution has become more systematic than random. A few weeks ago, …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite