Tag Archives: Robert Steele

EXCLUSIVE interview with William Binney: Mass Surveillance State destroys Democracy

Interview with William (Bill) Binney: Our Totalitarian Democracy means end of Freedom, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks with William Binney about mass surveillance of citizens, September 11, 9-11 and One World Order. Herland Report is pleased to release the first interview with former NSA director, William E. Binney. He is the co-founder of The Research Center at the National Security Agency’ headquarter in Maryland and senior whistleblower, – the original …

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War on Iran? No. Fire Pompeo & Bolton? Yes. — Robert D. Steele

Robert David Steele, Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  Below is Pepe Escobar’s account of the state of play between Russia, China, and the USA on all topics. Pompeo is an embarrassment — out of his league. Bolton is simply a traitor — an agent of a foreign power — and perhaps out of his mind as well, writes Robert D. Steele, CEO of Earth Intelligence Network, founder …

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Hedgefund manager Ray Dalio’s analysis, U.S. needs redistribution

Hedgefund manager Ray Dalio's analysis, U.S. needs redistribution, Robert Steele, Herland Report

  I was educated by Ray Dalio’s recent publication of Why and How Capitalism Needs to Be Reformed (Parts 1 & 2), an earnest and learned exposition I would not have noticed were it not for Zero Hedge, which continues to offer a brilliant potpourri of useful daily insights. These two posts alerted me to Ray Dalio’s manifesto: In brief, this patriotic …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite