Tag Archives: sexuality

Sexual expressionism and erotic hedonism is the road to a fulfilled life?

Sexual expressionism: Herland Report

  In the West, generations now grow up believing that sexual expressionism and erotic hedonism is the road to a fulfilled life. Sex is the new god. Sexual satisfaction, deviations – anything that leads up to an orgasm seems to be the ultimate goal of literature, Hollywood films, and contemporary music. Sexual expressionism: Yet, without consideration of the damage inflicted …

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On Sex and Religion: What is true Love?

On Sex and Religion: Herland Report

  Sexuality is arguably is one of life’s greatest gifts. Christianity explains how God created sex for the unification of marriage, as two individuals share their commitment to love in order to make their way together through the harsh, treacherous landscapes of life. On Sex and Religion: Protected by fidelity, trust and mutual respect, the love between the two also …

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Hedonism’s greatest flaw: Selfish pleasure does not bring Genuine Happiness, it creates the Loss of True Freedom

Hedonism's greatest flaw: The Press is Now Also the Police, writes Matt Taibbi.

  Where promiscuity and sexual selfishness becomes socially acceptable, it is increasingly hard to form any type of faithful marriage and family nucleus based on a partnership of trust, fidelity, loyalty, and patience. Hedonism’s greatest flaw: Western hedonism and its focus on selfish pleasure as the goal of life, demonstrates its greatest flaw in its failure to recognize that compassion …

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The toxic effects of Pornography on the Brain

Toxic Pornography: Hanne Nabintu Herland

  The effects of pornography on the brain have been labeled as “toxic,” analogous to drug addictions. Psychologists have long claimed that prolonged exposure to pornography causes the need for stronger stimuli in order to get sexually aroused. Toxic Pornography: Such over-stimuli lead to what was formally called “perversions,” including group sex and other excess sexual activities, sadomasochistic practices including …

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Mutilation against children to force Sex Transition, Texas horror story

Texas transgender orthodox Jeffrey Younger and son James.jpg

  Herland Report: This is America in 2019: Where the so-called experts purport to believe that a little boy can declare that he’s actually a girl and the supposedly loving and correct thing to do is give him puberty blockers, administer cross-sex hormones, and possibly encourage him through “medical transition” — the surgical removal of his penis — which is, …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite