Tag Archives: south America

Brilliant Analysis on How US Economy Was Destroyed and the One Percent Tyranny Implemented

  In 1945 the United States emerged from a world war with the only intact industrial economy in the world.  The British, European, Soviet, and Japanese economies were in ruins.   China and the rest of Asia, Africa, and South America had undeveloped economies, later renamed third world economies.  Additionally, the US held most of the world’s gold reserves.  President Franklin D. Roosevelt …

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Neocons Sacrifice the Ukrainians and the Global Poor

Neocons Sacrifice the Ukrainians: News putin ukraine

  Herland Report: Neocons Sacrifice the Ukrainians: What is the current American neoconservative leadership plan for economic gains from the Ukraine war?  Read below Dr. Michael Hudson’s analysis in a recent interview with Aaron Mate on the economic fallout of the Ukraine-Russia war and the American perspective on the economic gains to hope for.   Dr. Michael Hudson: “Well, it depends …

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Venezuela: A display of U.S Empire in critical decline, Joaquin Flores

Venezuela: A display of U.S Empire in critical decline, Joaquin Flores, Herland Report

  Herland Report: U.S Empire in critical decline: Venezuelan President pretender Juan Guaido is about to topple the structures of power in Venezuela, mustering an impressive insurgent and popular military force of …. fourteen men. Yes, surely it is absurd. But in the details of this ridiculous looking ‘attempt’ at phase n of the coup, so very much needs to …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite