Tag Archives: sword and scimitar

Islam versus Western culture 1500 year battle? Raymond Ibrahim Sword and Scimitar

Islam versus Western culture 1500 year battle? Raymond Ibrahim Sword and Scimitar

  Herland Report: Raymond Ibrahim’s Sword and Scimitar is a history of landmark battles between Islam and the West. Ibrahim offers eight representative engagements across time and space from France to the Middle East, and over a millennium from 636 to 1683. The study is first and foremost riveting military history. It offers blowby-blow concise accounts of the eight battles, and …

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The Siege of Vienna, 1683: Will Islam overtake Europe after all? – Raymond Ibrahim

How Islam Overcame the West: Islamic Religious Syncretism: Istanbul, Hagia Sophia, Turkey

  Herland Report: Earlier this month, when Polish lawmaker Dominik Tarczyński was asked how many “refugees” Poland has taken in, he flatly responded: “Zero.”  When the British interviewer, whose nation has taken in millions of Muslim migrants, scoffed, “And you’re proud of that?” Tarczyński  responded: “We will not receive even one Muslim, because this is what we promised… this is …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite