Tag Archives: tawhargha

Gross racism against Tawhargha Libyans, UN special envoy – Eya Essif

Gross racism against Tawhargha Libyans, UN special envoy - Eya Essif

  The continous persecution against the Tawhargha tribe in Libya is continuing, with no end in sight. The international community is well aware of the ongoing atrocities done towards this great tribe of Libya, the black skinned Libyans of Tawhargha. Yet, little is done to better the situation as the ruling Libyan militia leaders seem bent on destroying the Tawhergha …

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Libyakrigen basert på ren medieløgn – Ola Tunander

Libyakrigen basert på ren medieløgn Muammar Gaddafi Getty

  Ola Tunander: Libyakrigen basert på ren medieløgn: I februar og mars 2011 hevdet massemediene at Libyas leder Muammar Gaddafi drepte sivile, og at et folkemord allerede hadde begynt. Det ble hevdet at Gaddafis kampfly bombet hans egen befolkning, og at hans afrikanske leiesoldater hadde “uinnskrenket fullmakt til plyndring og drap av sivile”. I dag vet vi at alt dette …

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The Islamist persecution of Black Libyans Tawhergha worse than ever

  Since 2011, the situation in Libya has deteriorated into a warlord-system in which militia leaders who more or less are part of the Western backed governmental structures, rule local areas in Libya with brute force. One of the tribes that have been especially affected by the Western backed militia rule in which Islamist groups have remained strong, are the …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite