Tag Archives: The Origins of Totalitarianism

We now live under Totalitarian Democracy – ‘requirement to agree with the state or else..’

Alarm av Hanne Nabintu Herland: Foto TV2

  The West is re-entering an age of totalitarianism. Freedom is increasingly defined as the right to concur with the Western hedonist elites, which implies a total revolt against historical Western values. The enemy is now the traditional family, the majority views, respect for spiritual beliefs, natural law and the Christian-Judeo ethics as foundational values. Just as Communism and fascism …

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Big Brother and Totalitarian Control in the West – Hannah Arendt

Big Brother and Totalitarian Control: Hanne Herland Report Hannah Arendt

  In times of massive political upheaval such as what we now are witnessing, the German philosopher, Hannah Arendt might be worth revisiting. Big Brother Totalitarian Control: She lived to see World War II and the totalitarian Nazi regime up close and wrote The Origins of Totalitarianism to warn the world of the terrible fate of those who embrace authoritarianism. …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite