Tag Archives: True meaning of Christmas

The atheist clampdown on the true meaning of Christmas has never been worse

The true meaning of Christmas:Herland Report

  The true meaning of Christmas: In the ocean of gnomes, trolls and secularized Walt Disney – Santa Clauses on their endless rides to and from the North Pole, no wonder many disconnect the celebration of Christmas with the birth of Jesus. It truly is puzzling to watch the spiritual poverty in the West. We seem intrinsically converted to the …

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Christmas: Jesus is voted the most significant person in world history

Jesus voted most significant person:Christmas-Mary-Jesus Herland Report

  Jesus is repeatedly voted the most significant person in world history. Napoleon and Shakespeare came in second and third place, in a survey described by Professor Steven Skiena and Charles Ward in Who’s bigger? Where historical figures really rank. Jesus voted most significant person: Social research has long documented that belief in the spiritual dimension has not decreased in …

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Jul er verdens største feiring av Guds kjærlighet til menneskene

Jesus voted most significant person:Christmas-Mary-Jesus Herland Report

  Herland Report: Julaften og første juledag er verdens største feiring av noe så enkelt som at et guttebarn ble født i en stall i Betlehem. Nylig ble dette ekstraordinære barnet, Jesus Kristus, kåret til den mest betydningsfulle personen i verdenshistorien. Napoleon og Shakespeare kom på henholdsvis andre og tredje plass i undersøkelsen som beskrives av professor Steven Skiena og …

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Paul Craig Roberts: Christianity empowered the individual, protected the weak

Paul Craig Roberts Hanne Nabintu Christmas with the Greatest Gift of All: The empowerment of the individual:

  Dr. Roberts writes: My traditional Christmas column goes back to sometime in the 1990s when I was a newspaper columnist. It has been widely reprinted at home and abroad. Every year two or three readers write to educate me that religion is the source of wars and persecutions. These readers confuse religion with mankind’s abuse of institutions, religious or otherwise. …

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