Tag Archives: victimhood

Jesse Lee Peterson on ‘Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame and Victimhood

Healing America: jesse-Lee-Peterson-USA-The-Antidote.jpg

Herland Report: Healing America: In a nation increasingly ripped apart by political hatred, dysfunctional families and toxic ideologies, Americans are desperately in need of an antidote, writes WND. From a perhaps unlikely place, here comes some fantastic medicine for what is ailing America. It’s “The Antidote: Healing America From the Poison of Hate, Blame and Victimhood” by Jesse Lee Peterson. Indeed, Jesse …

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Marxist America as the New Soviet Union

The Marxist West: Marxist America: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Marxist America: Marxism is now filling the void of religion in America, with its fervent belief in man as the “new god”. A 2019 Pew Research Center survey found that Christianity is rapidly evaporating in the United States, only 65 % of Americans now describing themselves as Christian. This is a shockingly rapid decline, considering that the number …

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Western Madness: Who are the victims, the vulnerable?


  Herland Report: Paul Craig Roberts: Some readers, both male and female, wondered why I came to the defense of feminist Laura Tanner.  Why not, I was asked, let a MeTwo babe experience the name-calling and stress that feminists dish out to men and “women apologists for men”? Justice is part of the answer.  Another part of the answer is …

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Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame and Victimhood – Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson

Jesse Lee Peterson

  Herland Report: For a half century or more, black people have labored under the spell of what Jesse Lee Peterson calls the alchemists. These are the race hustlers, media hacks, politicians, community organizers and the like who promise to fundamentally transform America. The transformation they promise, however, produces only fool s gold unearned benefits like welfare, food stamps, subsidized …

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