Herland Report: Finally comes climate-realist Naomi Seibt: OK, we get it. Billionaires use rich, white child soldiers like Greta Thunberg to push for divestment in world energy, to profit by the billions once the energy shortage sets in. This is Wall Street 2020. Cunning strategies, manipulations, questionable derivatives, shorting and market speculation is king. Some suggest that the Climate …
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Bill Gates on #ClimateChange Greta Thunberg divestment in oil: MADNESS
Herland Report: Four percent of world energy is provided by so-called Green energy, solar and windmills, according to BP Statistical Review. 96 percent of world energy is provided by oil, gas, coal. Somebody wants to shut down world energy to create a shortage. #GretaThunberg billionaire funded push. As the billionaire funded, Wall Street supported #GretaThunberg #ClimateChange #Apocalypse #ExtinctionRebellion push …
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