Tag Archives: Washington Post

What was the Reagan Revolution about? Ending Stagflation and the Cold War

What was the Reagan Revolution about? Ending Stagflation and the Cold War WJS

  What was the Reagan Revolution about? It depends on whether you were part of it or viewed it through the eyes of the liberal media. I was a part of the Reagan Revolution. Reagan adopted the Kemp-Roth bill and the supply-side policy it represented as his economic policy to cure stagflation.  The Reagan Revolution: As I had written the …

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The Press is Now Also designated the Role as the Police

Hedonism's greatest flaw: The Press is Now Also the Police, writes Matt Taibbi.

  Matt Taibbi explains that the press is now the police. The New York Times and Washington Post Presstitutes congratulate themselves for publishing false stories handed to them by intelligence officials setting up a scapegoat for an intelligence operation by the National Security Council, writes Dr. Roberts. Matt Taibbi’ explains in his recent column: Back from vacation I made the …

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Julian Assange: Media Groups, including New York Times urge US to drop charges

  New York Times Comes to the Defense of Julian Assange: Through a joint letter The New York Times, The Guardian, Le Monde, Der Spiegel, and El Pais asked the United States to drop the Espionage Act charges against Julian Assange because it undermines press freedom. Twelve years ago, those American and European media released excerpts of the revelations obtained …

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The Covington Scandal defamation lawsuit: CNN Washington Post pay Nick Sandmann 500 million in damages

The Covington Scandal defamation lawsuit: CNN Washington Post pay Nick Sandmann 500 million in damages, SOTT Herland Report

  Herland Report:  The Covington Scandal defamation lawsuit: Remember the 2019 Covington Scandal when the media ferociously attacked a white, male, heterosexual, MAGA hat wearing Christian Catholic student, Nick Sandmann for racism and aggression against an Omaha tribe elder, Nathan Philips? We had several articles on the Covington Scandal back then. It happened in January, 2019 and did not end …

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Anti-White America: Covington High defamation lawsuit for 250 million dollars

Covington High defamation lawsuit:

  Covington High defamation lawsuit: Between the total collapse of the Covington Catholic story and the embarrassment of the Jussie Smollett hate hoax, 2019 has been a rough year for America’s embattled mainstream media. Now, the hostility toward these supposed guardians of democracy that provided some of the energy behind Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign is about to get its day …

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