Tag Archives: WEF

The World Economic Forum Great Reset leaders listed

The most dangerous man: Billionaire wealth exploded during Covid-19: World Economic Forum Great Reset: Klaus Schwab

  Herland Report: World Economic Forum Great Reset: The German Club of Clear Words takes a deep dive into the network of individuals and organizations responsible for the COVID scam. Whether blatantly visible or not, you can identify just about any network by connecting dots between individuals and organizations. Who’s working with whom, where, and why? Who’s paying whom? And …

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Revealed: Who is in the Young Global Leaders World Economic Forum system

Young Global Leaders World Economic Forum: AP

  Herland Report: Young Global Leaders World Economic Forum: Through its Young Global Leaders program, the World Economic Forum has been instrumental in shaping a world order that undermines all democratic principles.  For several decades, this program has nurtured compliant leaders acting as WEF agents in governments around the world. The consequences are far-reaching and may turn out to be devastating for humanity, …

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Great Reset Canada: Trucker Convoy Full fledged Totalitarian Financial Warfare

Great Reset Canada: Canada flag

  As Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau is the first Western leader to evoke a full fledged totalitarian financial warfare on the country’s citizens who dare to protest mandatory vaccination, the nation gets a feel as to how it is to live in a brutal dictatorship. The Canadian Emergencies Act gives the government unprecedented non-constitutional rights to freeze or suspend …

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