Tag Archives: WEF

The coming hypothetical Disease X: WEF forum discusses new “Covid” 20 times more deadly

The coming hypothetical Disease X: Bill Gates dislikes Africa population growth: World Economic Forum

  WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is now predicting a new hypothetical pathogen which is allegedly 20 times more deadly than SARS-CoV-2. (See below his WEF speech.) The coming hypothetical Disease X: “Disease X” is an invented construct, first presented by Bill Gates two years ago at the February 2022 Munich Security Conference. According to Bill Gates  “another Pandemic …

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The Great Reset is turning into The Great Clarification

The Great Reset is turning into The Great Clarification

  2024: “Time for The Great Uprising to defeat The Great Reset. This isn’t just an R vs. D question in 2023. It’s a 1776 moment,” says Presidential candidate, Vivek Ramaswamy. The Great Clarification: I’m already liking 2024. Consequence is itching to return to the American scene. Somewhere around 2016, cause and effect got a divorce. After that, things just …

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Bill Gates Warns the Next Pandemic He Has In Store Will Be Much Worse

Bill Gates Warns of the Next Pandemic: Bill Gates and Partners Took Control Over Covid-19: Reuters

  Bill Gates has warned that the next pandemic will be worse than COVID-19 and it’ll also be “man-made.” Bill Gates Warns of the Next Pandemic: The Microsoft co-founder said that the next one will be “much more brutal” than the mild cold symptoms experienced with the coronavirus. Gates told the Lowy Institute think tank in Sydney on Monday that …

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Useless Covid-19 Face Masks: Report shows no evidence to support its use

Useless Covid-19 Face Masks: The Covid-19 Vaccine Scandal: Modern Atheist Religion: Dr. Fauci, Getty

  Useless Covid-19 Face Masks: The Cochrane Library recently updated its 2020 systematic review of physical interventions to reduce respiratory illnesses. The update included an additional 11 randomized controlled trials, bringing the total number of RCTs included to 78. As in its 2020 review, they found no evidence to support the use of surgical face masks or N95 respirators to …

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Klaus Schwab, the most dangerous man in the world?

The most dangerous man: Billionaire wealth exploded during Covid-19: World Economic Forum Great Reset: Klaus Schwab

  Klaus Schwab, owner and chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), may be the most dangerous man in the world? WEF, in partnership with investment firm BlackRock, has infiltrated the government and is colluding in corporatism, where an unelected corporate elite dictates top down to the population. WEF’s ultimate goal is to do away with the democratic process and …

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Davos 2023 – Funeral of Globalism, next is Collapse of Western Dominance

Davos 2023 - Funeral of Globalism: World Economic Forum

  Ekaterina Blinova Reports “Globalization has died and Davos 2023 was its funeral.”  Read her report here. Davos 2023 – Funeral of Globalism: The neoconservative attack on Russia and China has a silver lining.  It has killed Globalism.   Russia and China and the countries dependent on Russian energy and Chinese goods and financing have been cut off from the WEF’s effort …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite