Tag Archives: white

The Liberals want a Race War: People should Walk Away

Liberals want a Race War: Herland Report, Getty

  For many decades, liberal Democrats have pretended to care about so-called “people of color” and “minorities.” They’ve successfully waged a PR campaign to fool non-whites, non-Christians, women and so-called “LGBTQ” people, tricking these people into giving them power. They’ve done this by offering free stuff, saying the government would take care of them. They’ve done it by making these …

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NEW INTERVIEW on how the Elites oppress Unwanted Groups – with Dr. Reginald Davis

How the elites oppress unwanted groups: Dr. Reginald Davis, Hanne Nabintu Herland interview slavery oppression and how to break free

  How does the oppressor control the oppressed? How is it done today? Herland Report YouTube host, Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks to Dr. Reginald Davis about slavery, oppression, exploitation and how the oppressor controls the oppressed. SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel here! How the elites oppress unwanted groups: “When you are creating a system of oppression, you have to have …

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Colonization ended Slavery in Africa, it did not start it

Why the silence on White Slavery? Raymond Ibrahim

  In what follows, Michele Antaki—a former UN interpreter, journalist, and translator offers another exclusive by summarizing a speech given in French by Ernest Tigori, an Ivorian intellectual and political activist, exiled in France, and winner of the Nelson Mandela Prize for Literature in 2017. In his book “L’Afrique à désintoxiquer” (“Detoxifying Africa”), he explains why it is crucial to …

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NEW BOOK: British Christians ended slavery and long pushed for its abolition

British Christians ended slavery: Truth About Slavery: Practiced by Africans and Arabs in Africa long before the White man got involved: Herland Report

  Today we are told so many lies by the elite atheist propaganda machine, that many simply do not know how important Christian philosophy, ethics and religious thought was for the success of Western civilization. But historical facts are hard to deny. For example, it was British Christians who campaigned for the ending of slavery, as I point out in …

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Marxist ideology facilitates acceptance for violence against Whites in America

Marxist violence against Whites: Marxist ideology facilitates acceptance for violence against Whites in America

  As I have closely documented elsewhere, historical relations between Islam and the West have been utterly distorted in order to present the aggressors as victims and the victims as aggressors. Marxist violence against Whites: In this article, we look at a similar but even more urgent topic: how history in general has been intentionally distorted in a way that makes segments …

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Netflix’s depiction of Cleopatra is completely fake. Cleopatra was Greek blonde, not black

Netflix’s Cleopatra is fake:

  By having her depicted as a Black woman, Netflix’s “Queen Cleopatra” is creating a stir. Because all four of my grandparents were Coptic Egyptian, and because the Copts are “acknowledged as the remaining descendants of the civilization of the Ancient Egyptians, with Pharaonic origins,” I cannot resist but offer my two cents. Former Egyptian Antiquities Minister Zahi Hawass insists …

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Biden implements Communist Centralized Power to Rule the Bureaucracy

Biden implements Communist Centralized Power: Biden Executive Order implements Communist Centralized Power to Rule the Bureaucracy Staggering 40 % believes Biden suffers from dementia, cognitive ailment, turning senile, People

  On February 16, President Joe Biden issued an executive order titled “Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through The Federal Government”. Biden implements Communist Centralized Power: The order is supposed to level the racial playing field by “addressing systemic racism in our Nation’s policies and programs”, but it does nothing of the kind. In truth, the order …

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The notion of White Privilege is one of the most absurd fantasies in human history

Worse Financial Crisis than in 2008: The notion of White Privilege is one of the most absurd fantasies in human history paul craig roberts

  February is the month we celebrate Black Heritage Month.  Try celebrating White Heritage.  It would be declared an insurrection, and instantly the FBI would be on the scene rounding up white supremacists and domestic terrorists. White heritage has been characterized as racism, and racism is something to be ashamed of, not celebrated. “People don’t realize how hard it is to …

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The American Sodom and Gomorrah

The American Sodom and Gomorrah: Billy Graham, Herland Report Reuters

  Among the founding values of Christianity is the requirement to love one another and equality regardless of class, creed and gender. Yet, today Christian values are scorned as neo-Marxism and its rampaging revolt against our traditions has produced a remarkable period of cultural decay. The dominant values are now the very opposite of those suggested by Reverend Martin Luther …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite