Baffling European hypocrisy: Criticizes Trump for Border Wall, yet funds its own wall in Turkey Herland Report

Baffling European hypocrisy: Criticizes Trump for Border Wall, yet funds its own wall in Turkey


Herland Report: The European hypocrisy, both in the media and among politicians, simply is baffling. We exemplify the art of double standards in an unprecedented manner.

While European media outlets are swarming with harsh criticism on President Trump’s border wall to stop illegal immigration and the drug epidemic trail into the US from its Southern Borders, Europeans have funded the exact same type of wall between Turkey and Syria.

It is even already built, paid for by the EU, hardly anybody in the media addressing the issue. The EU additionally pays billions to Turkey to stop illegal immigration into Europe.

When Hungarian prime minister ,Viktor Orbán made the fence that stops the flow of migrants into Europe in Hungary, the media outcry was immense. Orbán was racist, islamophobe, anti-Europe, anti-immigrants and so on. When the EU funds a 764 kilometer wall between Turkey and Syria, the media is remarkably silent, except for a few, such as Der Spiegel.


Baffling European hypocrisy: Criticizes Trump for Border Wall, yet funds its own wall in Turkey Herland Report
Baffling European hypocrisy: Criticizes Trump for Border Wall, yet funds its own wall in Turkey, Herland Reprot.


While the EU and its loyal followers persistently preach that any form of borders are racist, many will be shocked to learn that the construction of this wall was largely funded by the 28-member state union, writes the blogger I am Awake.

According to DER SPIEGEL:

“The EU states have provided the government in Ankara with security and surveillance technology valued at more than 80 million euros in exchange for the protection of its borders. This included the transfer of 35.6 million euros by Brussels to the Turkish company Otokar as part of its IPA regional development program for the construction of armored Cobra II military vehicles, which are now being used to patrol the border to Syria.”

Additionally, in 2016, the EU pledged €3 billion to Turkey under the guise of humanitarian aid to the Syrian refugees in the country. In reality, this deal served to trap the existing 3.5million refugees in Turkey and left those hoping to flee their war torn country at even further risk.

Once these resources are to be used in full, the EU will mobilise an additional €3 billion to the end of 2018, as confirmed by a press release of the European Commission.

To quote The Rugged Individualist:

Most of the information below was printed in Der Spiegel, hardly a right-wing-rag:

  • This is a 764 kilometer (475 mile) wall between Turkey and Syria.
  • EU states have provided the government in Ankara with security and surveillance technology
  • The equivalent of 80 million euros ($94 million) was given to Turkey to protect its southern border.
  • The wall runs through the provinces of Sanliurfa, Gaziantep, Kilis, Hatay, Mardin and Sirnak and incorporates physical, electronic and advanced technology layers.
  • The physical layer includes modular concrete walls, patrol routes, manned and unmanned towers and passenger tracks.
  • Turkish soldiers fire machine guns at refugees approaching The Wall.
  • The EU pledged €3 billion ($3.53 billion) to Turkey under the guise of humanitarian aid to the Syrian refugees in the country. In reality, this deal served to trap the existing 3.5 million refugees in Turkey.
  • Once these resources are used in full, the EU will contribute an additional €3 billion.

Also check out these topics at CNN or FOX News. Other sources may be New York TimesUSA Today, the Washington Post or from the British angle, BBC, The Guardian, The Telegraph or Financial Times.

About the author

The Herland Report Scandinavian news site, TV channel on YouTube and Podcasts have millions of readers/viewers yearly. It is a great place to watch interviews and read the articles of leading intellectuals, thought leaders, authors and activists from across the political spectrum. The Herland Report believes in freedom of speech and its editorial policy resides above the traditional Left vs Right paradigm which we believe has lost its relevance and ability to describe the current driving forces in Western politics.


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