Cultural Analysis

Exclusive interview: Illegal Immigration is New Slavery, says Bishop Harry Jackson

Illegal Immigration is New Slavery: Bishop Harry Jackson Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  Herland Report host, Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks to Bishop Harry Jackson about the opioid drug epidemic, illegal immigration, poverty and the moral crisis in America. Watch it here! Illegal Immigration is New Slavery: In a divisive time, the wisdom of the forefront spiritual leader, Bishop Harry Jackson, in the Herland Report exclusive interview below, gives Christian perspectives to the current hatred and ethnic …

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The American collapse of traditional values is splitting the nation at the seams

The American collapse of traditional values: Herland Report

  The UK Telegraph on March 31, 2023, reported “Joe Biden’s America is splitting at the seams.”  The article reported results of a new survey of Americans undertaken by the National Opinion Research Center and the Wall Street Journal.  The American collapse of traditional values: The survey finds startling declines in Americans faith in America, their communities, religion, and a sharp …

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Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Global House of Cards Casino

Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction: Financial Collapse: Getty

  Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction: On Friday, March 10, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) collapsed and was taken over by federal regulators. SVB was the 16th largest bank in the country and its bankruptcy was the second largest in U.S. history, following Washington Mutual in 2008. Despite its size, SVB was not a “systemically important financial institution” (SIFI) as defined in the Dodd-Frank …

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Worse Financial Crisis than in 2008: The US Has the World Setup for Crisis

Worse Financial Crisis than in 2008: The notion of White Privilege is one of the most absurd fantasies in human history paul craig roberts

  There are two main avenues to a potential US financial crisis.  Such a crisis, because of US financial dominance and because of the interconnections of globalism, which was a huge mistake for humanity, would be international. Worse Financial Crisis than in 2008: One avenue to crisis is the Federal Reserve’s current policy of raising interest rates.  This policy follows many years …

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Twitter Files document Pure Communism and Digital McCarthyism

Twitter Files document Pure Communism: FTP

  The Twitter Files document how classic communist repression of freedom of speech now is the commonplace strategy in the United States. Journalist and bestselling author, Matt Taibbi’ presentation at the “Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government on the Twitter Files” for the House Judiciary Committee, is but another example of the horrifying level of centralized censorship that …

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Matt Taibbi: Digital McCarthyism Twitter Files, Horrifying Repression at Google, Twitter, Facebook

Matt Taibbi: Digital McCarthyism Twitter Files, Horrifying Repression at Google, Twitter, Facebook AP

  Digital McCarthyism: The Matt Taibbi speech on the Twitter Files, testifying at the “Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government on the Twitter Files” for the House Judiciary Committee, sums up a horrifying level of centralized censorship. “The original promise of the Internet was that it might democratize the exchange of information globally. A free internet would overwhelm …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite