Covid Scandal

The American Democratic Autocracy

Democratic Autocracy: Shutterstock

  Democratic Autocracy: President Biden recently spoke about the need for democracy rather than autocracy, pointing out that the American midterm elections would save democracy only if the Democrats got the majority. In other words, those who vote Republican are against democracy, as only the rule of one party with complete control over the government promotes democracy. Biden thereby defined …

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The Federal Reserve Policy Is Mistaken

Federal Reserve Policy: A Complete Overhaul of the U.S. Financial System: USA federal reserve

  Federal Reserve Policy: Normally, recessions are the result of a reduction in liquidity by the Federal Reserve, the central bank, which is signaled by a rise in interest rates.   Normally, recessions are short-run affairs of 6 to 9 months.   Unemployment, which is as costly in its way as inflation, causes the Federal Reserve to relent and to increase liquidity, …

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Engineered Food Crisis to Secure Continued US Dominance

American Junk Food: Sam Jacobs, Ammo, Getty

  Herland Report: Engineered Food Crisis: In March 2022, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned of a “hurricane of hunger and a meltdown of the global food system” in the wake of the crisis in Ukraine. Guterres said food, fuel and fertilizer prices were skyrocketing with supply chains being disrupted and added this is hitting the poorest the hardest and planting the seeds …

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The Covid-19 Vaccine Scandal is Beyond Your Wildest Nightmare

Useless Covid-19 Face Masks: The Covid-19 Vaccine Scandal: Modern Atheist Religion: Dr. Fauci, Getty

  Herland Report: The Covid-19 Vaccine Scandal: The premise behind COVID shot mandates and vaccine passports was that by taking the shot, you would protect others, as it would prevent infection and spread of COVID-19. In early October 2022, during a COVID hearing in the European Parliament, Dutch member Rob Roos questioned Pfizer’s president of international developed markets, Janine Small, …

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COVID Jab Effects? Dramatic cancer and health conditions on the rise

Death From COVID Shots: PAHO photo

  Herland Report: COVID Jab Effects? In the wake of the COVID jab rollout and additional boosters, a number of health conditions are on the rise, including cancer, most notably cancers of the uterus, endometrial cancers, and very aggressive blood and brain cancers. Cancer has been on the rise for decades, thanks to dietary factors, but the COVID jabs appear to …

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Covid Vaccines and Pregnancies: How Big Pharma Is Risking Everything

Covid Vaccines and Pregnancies: Covid-19 Injections: The Massive Covid Propaganda Scandal: Getty

  Herland Report: Covid Vaccines and Pregnancies: Media are reporting that pregnancy complications have spiked during the COVID pandemic, but claim the cause is unknown. Most blame the virus itself. But even then, they fail to address the fact that it’s the spike protein that is the most likely culprit. The obvious reason for that is because the spike protein …

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Vaccine Narrative Collapse: Harvard Study Shows Jab More Dangerous than COVID

Vaccine Narrative Collapse: Untested vaccines rolled out: PCR tests were flawed Getty

  Herland Report: Vaccine Narrative Collapse: As boosters that have not been tested on humans are being rolled out across the country, a new study indicates that the jab is far more dangerous than COVID-19 itself.  And the CDC has provided false information regarding their tracking of adverse events linked to the vaccines. As government officials and mainstream media urges the vaccinated …

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An American solution for the Unpayable Corporate Debt

A solution for the Unpayable Corporate Debt: Business Insider

Herland Report: A solution for the Unpayable Corporate Debt: Even before the Covid-19 crisis had slashed stock prices nearly in half since it erupted in January, 2020, financial markets were in an inherently unstable condition. Years of quantitative easing had loaded so much money into stock and bond prices that stock price/earnings multiples and bond prices were far too high …

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Summing up COVID-19: Soaring Billionaire Profits while Governments plunged into Debt

Control global health: Bill Gates CEO Magazine Herland Report

  Herland Report: Soaring Billionaire Profits: The Covid-19 response demonstrates how billionaires today dominate and dictate politics, NGOs and the field of medicine. The fact that the richest among us made billions of dollars on the Covid-19 world tragedy while the world’s poor plunged into unimaginable poverty illustrates the deeply problematic effect of unregulated markets and billionaire dominated politics, writes …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite