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Prepare for the Reality of Financial Collapse

Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction: Financial Collapse: Getty

  Herland Report: Financial Collapse: Financial experts and insiders have, for well over a decade, warned that a collapse of the U.S. currency is a mathematical inevitability, and this collapse will have global ramifications, as the dollar is the world’s reserve currency. U.S. inflation is currently at 8.3%, but in some markets, it’s in the double digits. Used car sales, …

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The Continuing American Collapse

America’s Stolen Guns:American Collapse: Ammo

  Herland Report: American Collapse: Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi are America’s best journalists. They are not talking heads on CNN or voices on NPR and they are not permitted to write for the New York Times. Moreover, they are both men of the left, so how can they be America’s best journalists? The answer is that they are honest. …

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Aldous Huxley and the Totalitarian Brave New World

Justin Trudeau dystopian Emergencies Act: Trucker Convoys protest Elite: AFP

  Herland Report: As the Western elites again are enticed by totalitarian systems and the deprivation of civil liberties among its citizens, Aldous Huxley is worth remembering. He provided an excellent description of the road to tyranny in his celebrated book Brave New World (1932). Huxley shows how restricted society becomes if personal initiative, individualism, social responsibility and the right to …

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The United States Has Committed Economic Suicide

Civil Unrest Ahead: U.S. Economic Suicide: The Collapse of America: Huffington Post.

  Herland Report: U.S. Economic Suicide: Two Examinations of US Economic Policy by Michael Hudson and Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Today I am pleased to present a double feature on economic policy. Michael Hudson leads off with an explanation of economic policy as a social cost to the working class, and I follow up with an explanation that US economic …

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The Psychology of Totalitarianism and Mass Formation – a dangerous, collective type of hypnosis

The Psychology of Totalitarianism: Totalitarianism and Mass Formation: The Psychology of Totalitarianism: Mattias Desmet

  Herland Report: Totalitarianism and Mass Formation: We bear witness to loneliness, free-floating anxiety, and fear giving way to censorship, loss of privacy, and surrendered freedoms. It is all spurred by a singular, focused crisis narrative that forbids dissident views and relies on destructive groupthink. Read Professor Mattias Desmet’s important book on mass formation and the psychology of totalitarianism. Buy …

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Religion and the Meaning of Life

Mental Health: The Meaning of Life: Herland Report

  Herland Report: The Meaning of Life: One thing is certain: We shall all die. None of us will survive the hardships of this world. We ultimately leave this world and the physical body is buried in a grave. The terrifying question is: What will happen to us after death? Will we be greeted by demons or angels, or eternal …

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The Black Lives that Don’t Matter at All: African Christians Murdered in Churches

The Black Lives that Don’t Matter: Nigerian Christians mourning after another fatal church attack in 2018. Raymond Ibrahim.

  Herland Report: The Black Lives that Don’t Matter: Last Sunday, June 5, 2022, Islamic terrorists stormed the St. Francis Catholic Church in Ondo, Nigeria, and massacred more than 50 Christians who were otherwise peacefully worshipping their God. Videos, according to one report, “showed church worshippers lying in pools of blood while people around them wailed.” As terrible as this massacre might seem, …

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The United States Has Joined the Ranks of Shithole Countries

Cancel Culture USA, Herland Report Getty

  Herland Report: Shithole Countries: The Biden regime has turned the United States into a laughing stock. Not that the US wasn’t already a laughing matter, but now, oh boy!, even patriots are laughing. You know those sanctions that were going to bring down Russia? Well, Biden’s sanctions drove up, not down, Russian oil shipments and revenues by 300,000 barrels …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite