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The Socialist Marxist State versus Conservatism and Freedom

Edmund Burke: On Conservatism, Liberalism and Opposition to the Socialist State

  Herland Report: On the Opposition to the Socialist State: One may argue that Europe historically has succeeded to some degree in erasing the historical class differences that characterized the pre-industrial era, thereby providing citizens with more equal political and social rights. We also performed a process of institutionalization characterized by a strong state and continual political, economic and social …

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Oliver Stone and the way out of the Russia-Ukraine War

Oliver Stone Russia Missed Opportunity to Remove Sanctions: Vladimir Putin Megyn Kelly interview

  Oliver Stone, an award-winning film director, recently sat down to talk to Lex Fridman about Russian president Vladimir Putin and the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Oliver Stone was the executive producer of “Ukraine on Fire,” a documentary that came out in 2016. Stone also interviewed Russian President Vladimir Putin between 2014 and 2016. The interviews became the documentary series, “The Putin …

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Did the United States Win the Cold War, or who will?


  Herland Report: According to popular consensus, by 1991 the USSR lost the Cold War. However, it may be that the USSR’s ‘loss’ and subsequent emergence of the Russian Federation put Russia ahead of the game. If the United States had truly won the Cold War, NATO would be history, and the US would have turned its swords to plowshares. …

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Jesse Lee Peterson on ‘Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame and Victimhood

Healing America: jesse-Lee-Peterson-USA-The-Antidote.jpg

Herland Report: Healing America: In a nation increasingly ripped apart by political hatred, dysfunctional families and toxic ideologies, Americans are desperately in need of an antidote, writes WND. From a perhaps unlikely place, here comes some fantastic medicine for what is ailing America. It’s “The Antidote: Healing America From the Poison of Hate, Blame and Victimhood” by Jesse Lee Peterson. Indeed, Jesse …

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American Junk Food and the Corn Subsidies

American Junk Food: Sam Jacobs, Ammo, Getty

  Herland Report: American Junk Food: Corn subsidies are big business in the United States, and this can be seen in the explosion of a simple ingredient now found in everything from sodapop to hot dogs – high fructose corn syrup, also known as HFCS. Between the development of HFCS in 1970 and 1990, the consumption of HFCS skyrocketed by …

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How the Washington Food Subsidies Make Americans Fat and Sick

Washington Food Subsidies Huffington

  Herland Report: Food Subsidies: Farm subsidies are perhaps the ultimate, but secret, third rail of American politics. While entitlements are discussed out in the open, farm subsidies are rarely talked about – even though they are the most expensive subsidy Washington doles out. All told, the U.S. government spends $20 billion annually on farm subsidies, with approximately 39 percent of …

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Who Owns and Controls the World

Investment Funds now buy up Private Property: The slow return to Feudalism Getty

Herland Report: Who Owns the World: Already, 90% of all S&P 500 firms are owned by a mere three investment firms: BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street. This includes drug companies and the centralized legacy media, which I reviewed in “The Same Shady People Own Big Pharma and the Media.” Time Warner, Comcast, Disney and News Corp — four of the …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite