The Garissa-massacre in Kenya: Video on the 148 killed because they were Christians

See the video of the massacred young people in Kenya, made by those close to the victims as they mourn the 148 young students killed by Al Shabab solely because they were Christians.
The horrific attack by Islamic al-Shabab jihadists speaks for the dehumanizing Islamist ideology that ends up slandering the name of every decent Muslim. The Garissa-atrocities are the latest of many attacks based on ethnic and religious divides of the uncivilized, anti-human ideology of Islamism that shows no regard for human beings that God has created.

 Huffington Post writes that this is the worst attack in Kenya since 1989 when the American embassy became the scene for a merciless slaughter of similar granditude.
Similar atrocities against civilians and the innocent may easily happen in Europe, show solidarity with the Garissa-terror and share this VIDEO on Facebook.
It shows many of the dead and is made by someone who is close to the conflict.
Young students and Kenyans have reacted by turning to social media and Twitter hashtag ‪#‎147notjustanumber‬ in protest of this dehumanizing way of killing the innocent in the name of God. According to The Guardian the hashtag has been used over 52 000 times, as we are all now participating in protesting the brutalization of Islam.
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