Tag Archives: Adolf Hitler

The Socialist Adolf Hitler: Groupthink Consensus, Propaganda Media, Capitalist Elites

The Socialist Adolf Hitler - Groupthink Consensus, Propaganda Media, Diversity Forbidden, FPR Herland Report

  NAZI is the abbreviation for “Nazionalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei”, namely the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. The name itself declares it a socialist movement. The Socialist Adolf Hitler: German elitist nationalism coupled with socialism was the National Socialism ideology that dominated the German democracy prior to World War II. Noteworthy, the German capitalist industrial elites supported Hitler and jointly pushed …

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Kanye West, Hitler and the Left’s NAZI ideology

The Left's NAZI ideology: The NAZI National Socialism in Germany World War II: Herland Report

  The famous musician, Kanye West recently declared his admiration for Adolf Hitler in an interview with Alex Jones. West said that he sees good things about Hitler whom he likes for his “redeeming qualities”, as he questioned the Holocaust. And of late, he been very angry at Jewish Hollywood leaders and reportedly Jews in general, writes historian of comparative …

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Geopolitical shift to the East

Herland Report cultural analysis

  Geopolitical shift to the East: Russia takes its Corona leave during Holy week. People are off anyway. The country just included its belief in God in its constitution. Putin announced Russian billionaires will pay for the extra days off. The role of Russia is interesting, as Russia’s “no” in the OPEC+ meeting with Saudi Arabia had detrimental consequences, plunging …

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