Tag Archives: Africa

Strong anti-Christian elites in Europe – President of African Israel Initiative, Erik Selle

President of African Israel Initiative, Erik Selle

  Herland Report: There is a strong anti-Christian sentiment within the European media establishment and the elites. Russia chooses the opposite path by strengthening Christian Orthodoxy as the cultural fundament, states the president of the Africa-Israel Initiative, Erik Selle, who has work in 17 African countries. Many do not understand that Russia today is not the Soviet Union, president Putin …

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The Western Demonization of Muslims

How the West lost its Greatness: New Left Tyranny, by bestselling author Hanne Nabintu Herland

  Foreign Policy Journal: The war in Syria may soon be over, yet another US and allies’ defeat. Looking back, the miserable anarchy created by Western interventions the past years in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Syrian and so on, is quite a horrifying testament to failed American foreign policy.  It’s like new “Vietnam”s where things steadily go terribly wrong. …

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African Union blame Norway for Sudan Civil War 2013: Political Foreign Aid

Africa Gaddafi reaction USA Herland Report

  Herland Report: Norway’s role in the politization of NGOs using foreign aid as a means to control African countries has received much criticism over the years. Remarkably little of this harsh criticism is reflected in the mainstream Norwegian media. The Norwegian involvement in South Sudan, both in setting up the state and consequently the following civil war is an …

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DAGBLADET portrett: Salmer fra kjøkkenet

DAGBLADET portrett: Hanne Herland Dagbladet

  Herland Report:  DAGBLADET portrett: I årenes løp har jeg gitt mange intervjuer til ulike norske aviser. Fra 2013 trakk jeg meg tilbake fra dette og flyttet utenlands. Det har vært bemerkelsesverdig i ettertid å lese igjennom noe av det stoffet som sto på trykk de årene jeg var aktiv i norske medier – og legge merke til hvilket forkvaklet inntrykk …

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