Tag Archives: America

Internet Freedom Shutting Down: West is new Soviet Union?

Internet Freedom Shutting Down Facebook

  Herland Report: Internet Freedom Shutting Down: As Facebook’s ultra Liberal Mark Zuckerberg again points out that Facebook will continue the change in policy towards “choosing which news content its viewers are to be allowed to watch.” The continued discrimination against conservative and anti-war sites, making sure they are not viewable on Facebook, represents the sovietization of the West. Who …

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Two-third in US say media publishes fake news

Paul Craig Roberts Hanne Herland Report

  Two-thirds of Americans say that the mainstream media pushes fake news, 24 % among the British believe what they read in the press. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, one of America’s leading political economists and former editor of Wall Street Journal states the same. Watch the Herland Report show with Dr. Roberts here. And here. We know now, that we are …

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Interview with Milo Yiannopoulos: New Left stole America’s freedom

Milo Yiannopoulos: America lost its freedom: Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  Herland Report: Milo Yiannopoulos: America lost its freedom: Milo Yiannopoulos has for years been a free-thinker within the Conservative movement in the West. He is an unusual intellectual with a provoking technique of fearless speech, a New York Times bestselling author and an internet guru. We sat down with Milo in provokingly honest conversations about the deterioration of freedom …

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Milo Yiannopoulos: America divided with tyrannical censorship on Free Speech

America divided with tyrannical censorship on Free Speech: Milo on Herland Report.

  Herland Report: America divided with tyrannical censorship on Free Speech: The Herland Report features Milo Yiannopoulos in a series of interviews on our TV Channel. We address the deterioration of American values under the current globalist US elites. [pullquote]Milo argues that the aggressive, activist New Left has used the first amendment to advocate for tyranny. [/pullquote] What happened to …

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Hanne Herland weekly commentaries on World Net Daily, with Ann Coulter, Erik Rush and others

Hanne Herland weekly commentaries on World Net Daily:

  Herland Report: Hanne Herland weekly commentaries on World Net Daily: Follow my weekly, exclusive commentaries for the largest Conservative news outlet in the World, World Net Daily. The focus will be on European matters, foreign policy, independent cultural analysys and the current Western cultural crisis. Other commentators are Ann Coulter, Erik Rush, Joseph Farah, Dinesh D’Souza and many more. …

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Internasjonal boklansering 60 land: Nå tilgjengelig i norske bokhandlere – The Culture War, Hanne Nabintu Herland

Internasjonal boklansering 60 land: Nå tilgjengelig i norske bokhandlere - The Culture War, Hanne Nabintu Herland, Herland Report

  Internasjonal boklansering 60 land: Nå tilgjengelig i norske bokhandlere: Bestselgende forfatter Hanne Nabintu Herland er ute med ny bok som er internasjonalt lansert i over 60 land, nå også i norske bokhandlere. En revolusjonerende analyse av hvordan Vesten mistet sin storhet og hva som skal til for å få varmebehandlet samfunnet slik at vi igjen kan bli opptatt av …

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Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame and Victimhood – Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson

Jesse Lee Peterson

  Herland Report: For a half century or more, black people have labored under the spell of what Jesse Lee Peterson calls the alchemists. These are the race hustlers, media hacks, politicians, community organizers and the like who promise to fundamentally transform America. The transformation they promise, however, produces only fool s gold unearned benefits like welfare, food stamps, subsidized …

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LIBYA 24 TV intervju om Libya og Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi

Libya 24 Hanne Nabintu Herland Saif al Islam Gaddafi

Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland ble nylig intervjuet av Libya24, en av Libyas TV selskaper, som følge av hennes artikkel i Foreign Policy Journal som har gått verden rundt. TV programmet er vist på TV i Libya en rekke ganger, med betydelig respons. Det er tydelig at libyere føler på uretten knyttet til Saif Al Islam Gaddafi behandlingen og ICC …

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Notorisk løgner Hillary Clinton og ensidig norsk presse

Jonas Gahr Støre Hillary Clinton Hadja Tajik Anniken Huitfeldt

  Notorisk løgner Hillary Clinton: Et hovedproblem ved norsk presse er at omtrent alle avisene mener det samme.  Det virker som om gruppepresset og konsensustenkningen innad i media nå er så sterk at nesten ingen våger å stikke nakken ut og mene noe annet enn det «gutteklubben grei» har bestemt, skriver Hanne Herland i en gjesteblogg på Nettavisen. “Gutteklubben grei” …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite