Tag Archives: banana republic

The FBI Trump Raid: Gestapo Democrats in the Banana Republic of America

Donald Trump speech on the Deep State: America is permanently divided: Donald Trump, Getty

  Herland Report: FBI Trump Raid: The Democrats in power in Washington have weaponized the FBI and Department of Justice (sic) in an effort to criminalize President Trump.   They tried this with Russiagate, with impeachment, with their fabricated January 6 Insurrection, and now they have sent an army of FBI agents into Trump’s home, relying on the presstitutes to tell …

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US Banana Republic mess: Impeaching ex-president Trump to depose him as “president,” when he already left office weeks ago?

America is finished says Glenn Beck: Trump indictment, end of PetroDollar marks end of American Hegemony Herland Report Getty

  Herland Report: As the US Banana Republic mess sets the scene for a second Senate impeachment of Donald Trump, attempting to judge in favor of deposing an ex-president from the role of “president,” when he already left office weeks ago….leaves you speechless. How do you impeach a “president” who is no longer president, with the aim of removing him …

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Rage over Inquisitionist Soviet style Big Tech Tyrants

The super-rich control everything: Mark Zuckerberg Chicago Tribune

  Herland Report: Rage over Inquisitionist Soviet style Big Tech: It is a legitimate question: Why should society tolerate cheeky boys with a massive flair for totalitarianism, like Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, who a few years back sat at his dorm thinking up a project and now apparently believes he is the leader of the free world? Why should young, unelected …

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2021 predictions from an expert – Russia, China, Biden

2021 predictions from an expert on Russia, China Paul Craig Roberts on the beach with Hanne Herland

  Herland Report: 2021 predictions: 2020 ended with freedom under attack and few rising to freedom’s defense.   The United States enters 2021 with an illegitimate president, Biden, put in office by an election stolen in plain view. The incumbent president, Donald Trump, won the election. He received 10 million more votes in the 2020 election than he did when he …

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