An underlying sorrow weights down the Western culture. Our civilization is blanketed with a light melancholic fog of neuroses, mental pain, depression and loneliness. Mental Pain: What happened? How did we end up in a situation where loneliness and depression are such massive problems? What happened to the family? And to the life long companionship between the man and …
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Heartlessness in Christian America, we need to wake up – DeVon Johnson
Herland Report TV: Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks to reverend DeVon Johnson about Christian culture and what seems to be a dramatic lack of Christian participation in public life. Why are Christians often silent in the public debate? Why do they seem to engage in their church communities but not in the public debate in society? Are they forcefully kept …
Read More »Former atheist Ayaan Hirsi Ali is now a Christian, she explains why in a recent debate with Richard Dawkins
The famous atheist and chronic mocker of the Christian faith, Dr. Richard Dawkins, who has had free access to the mainstream media loudspeaker for decades, has changed his stance on the value of Christianity. I recently wrote about this in my regular WND commentary. In an interview with LBC, he now calls himself a cultural Christian. Some epiphany moment must have …
Read More »Paul C. Roberts book review of The Billionaire World, number 1 bestseller on Amazon: One of the Few Remaining European Intellects Stands Up for Truth as the Guarantor of Liberty
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts’ book review of The Billionaire World: Hanne Herland is a leading intellect of the Western world. She is a defender of civilization and Christian morality and a stalwart opponent of the Satanic forces that are attacking our civilization. In her latest book, The Billionaire World, she explains the variety of assaults on Western civilization that are …
Read More »How Cancelling God is the Worst Western Mistake Ever as Empathy is Founded upon Religious Thought
When Karl Marx called for cancelling God and the abolition of eternal truths such as justice, religion, and morality, he legalized contempt for the traditional moral standards of “do not lie, do not kill, do not envy others what they have”. The evil in man’s nature was no longer restrained, and the knowledge of how to tame it removed …
Read More »The Goal of Science is to understand God
The atheist narrative has in the past century engulfed the West with its denial of the metaphysical realm. History has been rewritten to fit this Marxist and socialist ideology. The idea that religion and scientific rationalism are opposing world views is one of the atheist distortions of reality that have been pushed on the public. One seeks to hide …
Read More »Historic Liberalism versus today’s Marxist Liberalism
Many now associate the term “liberalism” with its modern version – a Marxist form of Liberalism – that advocates for free sex, the legalization of drugs in a hedonistic social climate that legitimizes selfishness in disregard of the obligation towards others. One feels – in line with Marxist thought – that it is the responsibility of the state to …
Read More »Historic Liberalism and Freedom of Choice: Freedom defined as the right to behave responsibly
At this point in history, the West is leaving behind its belief in classical, traditional values and the nation state, merging private corporate power with state funds in a liberal approach to accomplish the fourth industrial revolution. So we are told. But is the attempt to forge a new world order where the billionaires rule us all a “liberal” …
Read More »Russia Christian Revival: How Communist Totalitarianism created religious revival in Russia
As the United States now openly embraces the Marxist Cancel Culture with its fervent hatred of traditional values and Conservatism, it looks as though Soviet totalitarianism is likely to get its replay in the former “land of the free”. One of the most famous dissidents who experienced the depth of the atheist Soviet repression is Russia’s novelist and philosopher, …
Read More »Happy Easter! We join the Orthodox celebrations of the Easter Message of hope to the World
Happy Easter! We join the Orthodox celebrations of the Easter Message of hope to the World: The Orthodox Christian world in the Middle East as well as within many other countries now celebrate Easter, as the holy fire ascended in the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Patriarch Theophilos III led the celebrations as the fire was transported to other Orthodox …
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