Tag Archives: Church

The Kafka nightmare is America’s reality: To turn a people into extensions of the omnipotent, omnipresent police state

Kafka nightmare is America’s reality: The Kafka nightmare has become America’s reality: To turn a people into extensions of the omnipotent, omnipresent police state. John Whitehead

  “There were relatively few secret police, and most were just processing the information coming in. I had found a shocking fact. It wasn’t the secret police who were doing this wide-scale surveillance and hiding on every street corner. It was the ordinary German people who were informing on their neighbors.”—Professor Robert Gellately, author of Backing Hitler Kafka nightmare is America’s …

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Discover how Christian values defined the Western success story

The Western success story: Hanne Herland

    As history is twisted to fit the atheist Marxist narrative, we are made to believe that modern Western values are of secular or atheist origin. This is not correct. The Western success story: Leading scientists and philosophers during the 1600’s Enlightenment period and earlier were devout Christians. They developed ideals such as equality regardless of race, creed and …

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NEW INTERVIEW on how the Elites oppress Unwanted Groups – with Dr. Reginald Davis

How the elites oppress unwanted groups: Dr. Reginald Davis, Hanne Nabintu Herland interview slavery oppression and how to break free

  How does the oppressor control the oppressed? How is it done today? Herland Report YouTube host, Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks to Dr. Reginald Davis about slavery, oppression, exploitation and how the oppressor controls the oppressed. SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel here! How the elites oppress unwanted groups: “When you are creating a system of oppression, you have to have …

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Protestantism and Martin Luther: The need for unification in a divided Church

Protestantism and Martin Luther: Martin Luther preaches in Wartburg. By Hugo Vogel.

  Hanne Nabintu Herland sees ‘destructive side effect’ of 16th century Reformation: The early division between Catholics and Protestants began in 1517, when Martin Luther (1483-1546) started a popular uprising, delivering the 95 theses in Wittenberg, Germany. Protestantism and Martin Luther: He criticized the Catholic clergy for placing a monetary price on forgiveness and the path to heaven. Luther’s point was …

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Post Martin Luther: The Church is focusing on ending the divisions

Post Martin Luther: The Church is focusing on ending the divisions, Herland Report Getty

  Five hundred years ago, a previously unknown German monk, Martin Luther, posted a set of statements on the door of a church in Wittenburg, writes The Trumpet. “Historians still debate whether this actually happened, but it is a potent symbol of the start of the Protestant Reformation, which split the Catholic Church and led to numerous, vicious wars. Luther’s …

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The Protestant and Catholic Church: From Division to Communion Vatican II

The Protestant and Catholic Church: From Division to Communion: Pope Francis Reuters

  Herland Report: The Protestant and Catholic Church: From Division to Communion: Post Martin Luther, now 500 years down the line, the Church has gone from division to reconciliation, shows a Pew Research Religion report.  The Trumpet gives this report on the matter: From the Catholic perspective, Protestants were the rebels who divided the church against Christ’s clear commands for unity. …

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Notre Dame burning: European churches vandalized every day

Conservative Feminism: Hanne Nabintu Herland

  The Notre Dame cathedral burning is described by the joint mainstream media as an isolated happening, broadly explained as a fire related to the renovation. Even before the flames were extinguished, this was the official explanation. Yet, over 1000 churches have been set afire or vandalized in France in 2018 alone. In Paris, the Saint-Sulpice church in Paris was …

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Kirkens politiserte elite har fullstendig mistet gangsynet

Det vulgære Norge: Herland Report banner

  Herland Report: Sakset fra Nettavisen kronikk: “Vi lever også i en tid der kirkens elite omtrent totalt har mistet gangsynet. Man har brukt årtier på å diskutere uvesentligheter, som om det ikke er selvsagt at Gud elsker de blant oss som er annerledes like mye som enhver annen. Og folket har respondert. I henhold til ISSP 2008 stiller kun …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite