Tag Archives: Corona Scandal

China, the much needed enemy: An enemy is what funds America’s largest industry — military spending

Pessimism in the West: Herland Report

  America can’t do without an enemy.  An enemy is what funds America’s largest industry—military spending—and an enemy provides a national security focus which holds our tower of babel together.   During the Obama regime Russia was re-established as The Enemy. Trump’s intent to normalize relations with Russia, that is, to erase Russia’s enemy status, brought fire and brimestone down …

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Human lab rats: U.S. Government’s Secret History of Grisly Experiments

No reason to panic for Omicron: Getty

  The U.S. Government’s Secret History of Grisly Experiments: “They were monsters with human faces, in crisp uniforms, marching in lockstep, so banal you don’t recognize them for what they are until it’s too late.” — Ransom Riggs, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children I have never known any government to put the best interests of its people first, and …

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Stanford professor Jay Bhattacharya: Lockdowns are worst public health mistake in 100 years

The Nouriel Roubini warning: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a prominent Stanford Medical School professor and health economist recently said in an interview that lockdowns are the “single worst public health mistake in a hundred years. The harm to people is catastrophic.” “I stand behind my comment that the lockdowns are the single worst public health mistake in the last 100 years,” Jay Bhattacharya …

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The Covid Propaganda Scandal: Vaccine Cover-ups

Covid Vaccines and Pregnancies: Covid-19 Injections: The Massive Covid Propaganda Scandal: Getty

  Herland Report: The COVID pandemic is rife with cover-ups, starting with China intentionally allowing the outbreak to spread by saying there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission. In 2019, Dr. Anthony Fauci and a former director of the U.S. Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) hinted at a pandemic being a perfect excuse for transitioning from conventional vaccine …

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Mortality in Most Vaccinated Countries shows Increased Hospitalizations of Vaccinated

PCR tests were flawed Covid-19 pandemic scheduled to end March 1st? Shutterstock

  Herland Report: Mortality in Most Vaccinated Countries shows Increased Hospitalizations of Vaccinated: Since the beginning of the health crisis, the French government has claimed that early treatment was ineffective. It has  imposed major restrictions on our freedoms, in particular on doctors’ prescriptions,[1] It has also promised that vaccination would achieve collective immunity, the end of the crisis and a …

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Remember Dr. Neil Ferguson who predicted 65 million Covid deaths?

The most sophisticated propaganda operation in history:Herland Report

  Dr. Neil Ferguson, the man behind the Imperial College Report, which showed that millions would die from Covid-19, was central in shifting the UK and US from the herd immunity strategy to society lockdown. The report later turned out to be fraudulent, was never published scientifically, not even peer-reviewed and appeared more as a draft. And Ferguson was sacked …

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Double Jabbed die rate is Six Times higher than Unvaccinated, new data finds

Double Jabbed die at rate Six Times higher than Unvaccinated: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Double Jabbed die rate Six Times higher: Recent data from the U.K. Office of National Statistics reveals people who have been double jabbed against COVID-19 are dying from all causes at a rate six times higher than the unvaccinated. In the U.S., meanwhile, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is propping up the official narrative with two …

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Dangers of Covid-19 mRNA vaccination: A Must Read Article

Danish Newspaper Apologizes For Publishing COVID Narratives: Vaccines do not stop Covid: GEtty

  Herland Report: Dangers of Covid-19 mRNA vaccination: If you want to save your life from murderous “public health officials” and murderous lying presstitutes, read journalist Mike Whitney’s report.   The world is indebted to Whitney for producing the evidence that inoculation with mRNA injection brings high risk of health injury and death.   The governments that encourage and coerce Covid inoculation are …

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Covid-19 vaccines make you more likely to get severe Covid

Covid-19 vaccines make you more likely to get severe Covid: Herland Report, Getty

  Herland Report:  The official COVID-19 vaccines narrative changes rapidly these days. It took just one month for it to go from “if you’re vaccinated you’re not going to get COVID,”1 including the Delta variant,2 to “people who got vaccinated early are at increased risk for severe COVID disease.”3  From the get-go, I and many other medical experts have warned of the possibility …

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Kishore Mahbubani: COVID-19 enhanced China’s position in the world order

Lack of Morality creates Downfall: Getty WEF

  The coronavirus crisis has enhanced the geopolitical contest between the US and China, said the distinguished Singaporean diplomat and academic, Dr. Kishore Mahbubani in an interview by Ankita Mukhopadhyay with DW News. Despite challenges, China has managed to keep its casualty figures from the virus relatively low compared to some Western countries. Dr. Kishore Mahbubani is a Distinguished Fellow …

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