Tag Archives: Covid-19

Covid Vaccines are Epic Failure: Does not protect, kills more

Pfizer Fooled Americans: Pfizer Owns the Federal Government? Medical Net

  Herland Report: Covid Vaccines are Epic Failure: To sum up: According to a September 2021 analysis, based on conservative, best-case scenarios, the COVID shots have killed five times more seniors (65+) than the infection. Data show higher vaccination rates do not translate into lower COVID-19 case rates. The COVID shots are an epic failure. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control …

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Communism in America: Is it Terrorism to disagree with the Government?

Communism in America: Is it Terrorism and Punishable now to disagree with the Government?

  Herland Report: Communism in America: Notice how quickly American corporations have taken to the idea that they have the right to make deeply personal decisions for employees. It is no longer just US presidents, such as Bush and Obama, who claim authority to set aside our constitutional protections and throw us in prison and execute us without due process, private …

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Licensed Pfizer Jab Comirnaty not available: No Liability for current Emergency Use Products

Death From COVID Shots: PAHO photo

  Herland Report: Licensed Pfizer Jab: Pfizer/BioNTech’s Comirnaty COVID shot was approved (licensed) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in late August 2021, but only for adults, and only when carrying the Comirnaty label. No other COVID shot has been FDA approved. However, Comirnaty is currently not available, and while the experimental, emergency use authorized (EUA) Pfizer shot is substituted …

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Vaccine Killing More People than Covid?

Death From COVID Shots: Shocking lack of Vaccine Safety:  Getty

  Herland Report: Vaccine Killing More People than Covid: Dear Readers: We know that NIH funded gain-of-function research at the University of North Carolina and then in the Wuhan China lab. We know the vaccine does not protect. We know it injects a pathogen into the body. We know the vaccine causes death and illnesses. There are known facts. Yet the …

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Double Jabbed die rate is Six Times higher than Unvaccinated, new data finds

Double Jabbed die at rate Six Times higher than Unvaccinated: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Double Jabbed die rate Six Times higher: Recent data from the U.K. Office of National Statistics reveals people who have been double jabbed against COVID-19 are dying from all causes at a rate six times higher than the unvaccinated. In the U.S., meanwhile, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is propping up the official narrative with two …

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Why are COVID Deaths Increasing Among the Vaxxed?

Danish Newspaper Apologizes For Publishing COVID Narratives: Vaccines do not stop Covid: GEtty

  Herland Report: Why COVID Deaths are Increasing Among the Vaxxed: Recent research concluded that those who are fully “vaccinated” against COVID-19 are indeed more susceptible to COVID variant infections than unvaccinated people. High COVID vaccination rates create pressure on the virus to mutate into variants with higher levels of contagion and pathogenicity.  The narrow protection you get from the COVID …

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An upcoming Kristallnacht For White Americans?

An upcoming Kristallnacht For White Americans, asks Paul Craig Roberts, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Can we expect an upcoming Kristallnacht For White Americans, asks Paul Craig Roberts: Those who are working overtime to delegitimize white Americans have coined a term that they use as a weapon—“white privilege.”  The propaganda is that being white is a racial privilege that elevates white Americans above other Americans and enables white people to oppress blacks. It …

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Israel Is Pfizer Greatest Vaccine Experiment

Liberals want a Race War: Herland Report, Getty

  Herland Report: Israel Is Pfizer Greatest Vaccine Experiment: Pfizer now admits it’s treating Israel as a unique “laboratory” to assess COVID jab effects. Whatever happens in Israel can reliably be expected to happen elsewhere, months later. Pfizer entered into an exclusivity agreement with the Israeli Ministry of Health, so the only COVID shot available is Pfizer’s. The Pfizer shot has …

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They Know the Covid Vaccine Is Killing, Yet They Continue Vaccinating

The Covid Vaccine Is Killing: Paul C. Roberts 2019 Herland Report.

  Herland Report: The Covid Vaccine Is Killing: Here is a doctor and chief RN in a US Department of Health & Human Services Hospital reporting that the official protocol is NOT to report adverse reactions to the vaccine, NOT to treat Covid patients with safe and effective Ivermectin, indeed, it is impermissible to do so and you are fired if …

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