Tag Archives: Covid-19

CDC Now Lists Vaccinated Deaths as Unvaccinated

How WHO proposes a worldwide social listening surveillance system Getty

  Herland Report: CDC Now Lists Vaccinated Deaths as Unvaccinated: While public health officials and mainstream media claim the COVID-19 pandemic is now “a pandemic of the unvaccinated,”1 we now know this claim is based on highly misleading statistics. In a July 16, 2021, White House press briefing,2 U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Dr. Rochelle Walensky claimed that “over …

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Dangers of Covid-19 mRNA vaccination: A Must Read Article

Danish Newspaper Apologizes For Publishing COVID Narratives: Vaccines do not stop Covid: GEtty

  Herland Report: Dangers of Covid-19 mRNA vaccination: If you want to save your life from murderous “public health officials” and murderous lying presstitutes, read journalist Mike Whitney’s report.   The world is indebted to Whitney for producing the evidence that inoculation with mRNA injection brings high risk of health injury and death.   The governments that encourage and coerce Covid inoculation are …

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Covid Vaccine Tyranny likened to Holocaust: Ungodly Medical Experiment on Humankind

Covid Vaccine Tyranny likened to Holocaust: Nuremberg doctors war crime trial

  Herland Report: Covid Vaccine Tyranny likened to Holocaust: “We call upon you to stop this ungodly medical experiment on humankind immediately,” writes Rabbi Hillel Handler, Hagar Schafrir and a group of Holocaust survivors, in a letter sent to medical agencies across the West. “We, the survivors of the atrocities committed against humanity during the Second World  War, feel bound to follow our …

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Covid-19 vaccines make you more likely to get severe Covid

Covid-19 vaccines make you more likely to get severe Covid: Herland Report, Getty

  Herland Report:  The official COVID-19 vaccines narrative changes rapidly these days. It took just one month for it to go from “if you’re vaccinated you’re not going to get COVID,”1 including the Delta variant,2 to “people who got vaccinated early are at increased risk for severe COVID disease.”3  From the get-go, I and many other medical experts have warned of the possibility …

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Natural Covid immunity is superior to Pfizer vaccine, Israeli study finds

Double Jabbed die at rate Six Times higher than Unvaccinated: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Natural Covid immunity is superior to Pfizer: A major study conducted by Israeli researchers into natural immunity has found that immunity acquired via infection from Covid-19 is superior to immunity from the Pfizer vaccine. Researchers at Maccabi Healthcare and Tel Aviv University compared the outcomes of over 76,000 Israelis in three groups: the doubly vaccinated (with the Pfizer …

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Backlash on Mafia Big Pharma Covid approach: Governor Ron DeSantis Florida revolt

Backlash on Mafia Big Pharma Covid approach: DeSantis USNews

  Herland Report: Backlash on Mafia Big Pharma Covid approach: Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL): “The days of corporate media being able to smear people with impunity and conservatives do nothing, those days are over. I can tell you in Florida, we’re fighting back with the truth and we are going to hold you accountable when you are peddling false partisan narratives.” …

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The FDA Totally Corrupt Criminal Organization

The FDA Totally Corrupt Criminal Organization: Shutterstock

  Herland Report: The FDA Totally Corrupt Criminal Organization: As I predicted, the corrupt US Food & Drug Administration (FDA), allegedly a regulatory agency but in actuality an agent for Big Pharma and agri-business, has, according to news reports, given final approval to Pfizer’s Covid “vaccine.”  (Why only Pfizer’s? Is there favoritism at the FDA?) The FDA congratulates itself declaring the “vaccine” …

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How willing scientists created Covid-19 Fear producing Gigantic Billionaire Wealth

How politicized Science help produce Billionaire Wealth: Covid-19 Fear producing Gigantic Billionaire Wealth: Dr. Neil Ferguson, Remember Dr. Neil Ferguson who in the 2020 predicted up to 65 million Covid deaths? Getty

  Herland Report: Covid-19 Fear producing Gigantic Billionaire Wealth: The Covid-19 scandal continues to transfer billions into the pockets of the already ultra-rich, while national economies are faltering under the weight of mass unemployment, bankruptcies, debt and despair. Merging private capital with government funds, the goal of the #Davos World Economic Forum, opens up for a modern billionaire feudalism where the …

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India charges WHO Scientist Soumya Swaminathan for Mass Murder: The beginning of Accountability

India charges WHO Scientist Soumya Swaminathan: Getty

  Herland Report: India charges WHO Scientist Soumya Swaminathan: India is a forefront nation in demanding accountability from the WHO, the Indian Bar Association (IBA) now suing WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan. They are accusing her of causing the deaths of many Indian citizens by misleading them about the effect of Ivermectin, which she stated did not work against Covid-19. …

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China’s Post-Pandemic Economic Growth: Developing Lucrative Internal Markets

China’s Post-Pandemic Economic Growth: Valutainment

  Herland Report: China’s Post-Pandemic Economic Growth: “Post-Pandemic” for many countries, especially western countries, is a dream. The west will have to wake up fast, if it doesn’t want to fall prey to a destructive plan of chaos, unemployment, bankruptcies, and, yes, famine – shifting of capital from the bottom and the middle to the top – and leaving misery at …

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