Tag Archives: democratic party

The truth about Trump and why the Media Lies

Covid and Donald Trump: The Truth about Trump: The Coup That Deposed a President, or not yet? CNN, Herland Report

  Herland Report TV (HTV): The Truth about Trump: Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks with Paul Craig Roberts about why Democrats and globalists hate Donald Trump so much. What is it with the Trump ideology that threatens the dominion seeking globalists so much? Why is it so horrible to strengthen the middle class in America? “When Donald Trump got elected, instantly …

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The Democrats Are Self-Destructing, says Paul Craig Roberts

Europe should break away: Paul Craig Roberts, Hanne Nabintu Herland

  Herland Report: The Democrats cannot stop making fools of themselves.  Thom Hartmann is an example. He writes for Common Dreams and has a progressive talk radio program.  During the George W. Bush regime I was a frequent guest on his program. It was OK to tell the truth about the Bush regime’s  deceits and illegal wars of aggression.  But …

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Samfunnet radikaliseres og hatet mot jøder dominerer, Michael Rachel Suissa

Samfunnet radikaliseres og hatet mot jøder dominerer, Michael Rachel Suissa

  Herland Report: En intens debatt har de siste ukene pågått i amerikanske og internasjonale medier etter at det ble kjent at et par av høstens nyvalgte representanter til Kongressen for Demokratene, har markert seg med utilslørt antisemittiske uttalelser.  De kastet ikke bort tiden med å gjøre seg kjent med sine parlamentariske forpliktelser, men gikk rett løs på det som …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite