Tag Archives: #DonaldTrumpexitSyria

Hedge fund managers and the funding of Presidents: Joe Biden inherits trouble

Joe Biden inherits trouble US elections still not over: The Vote Fraud is Overwhelming: Joe Biden, Guardian

  Herland Report: Steve Brown: Donald Trump believes he was setup. Perhaps he was. And, understandably, he wants revenge for three years of harassment on Russia. After all, that’s how he rolls when crossed. But the bigger picture is that Trump owes Sheldon Adelson $80M+ in tribute because that’s what Adelson paid him. Mr Trump owes much of his political …

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Race in America: Bishop Harry Jackson on the need to heal the divide

Exclusive interview: US Bishop Harry Jackson says illegal immigration is New Slavery, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Exclusive: Hanne Nabintu Herland interviews leading American black pastor about tribalism and reconciliation. At The Herland Report YouTube channel we regularly have the privilege of sit downs with leading intellectuals, bestselling authors and activists. In a divisive time, the wisdom of the forefront spiritual leader, Bishop Harry Jackson, in the Herland Report exclusive interview below, gives Christian perspectives to the current hatred and ethnic …

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