Tag Archives: economy

Digital Currency: Big Brother will be in your wallet every hour and every day

Digital Currency: Big Brother will be in your wallet every hour or every day. WashingtonNote.

  Digital Currency: The new digital currency will make trackable every transfer of money to family, charities, friends, clients. The nation’s central banks who issue the virtual money will have total control over how you spend it. Big Brother will, in other words, control your wallet every hour of every day.  “You will not be able to buy a stick …

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Economic Ethics: Trust as ethical principle defines the difference between constructive and self-destructive Capitalism

American economy great only for equity owners: Ill

  A study of requirements for the optimal functioning of Capitalism quickly uncovers the need for a strong focus on trust. This applies to economics on the micro level as well as the macro perspective. Trust is one of the ethical principles that make the difference between constructive and self-destructive operation in profit-driven financial businesses. In cultures where social development …

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The Billionaire World and Globalist Capitalism: Lack of Ethical Standards

Cancelling the Protestant Ethic is Suicide: Mastodonte companies completely dominate: Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite

  Globalist capitalism, the economic system that became dominant since the 1980s, fundamentally deviates from historic capitalism. It is heavily influenced by the Marxist revolt against traditional virtues. In my new book, The Billionaire World. How Marxism serves the Elite, I point out that this is key as the rebellion against historic capitalism and its ethical standards, creates an moral …

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Paul Craig Roberts: Important book about Gangster State Capitalism and Returning Feudalism – by Hanne Herland “New Left Tyranny”

New book about Gangster State Capitalism and Returning Feudalism: Paul Craig Roberts

  “Hanne Herland of the European Herland Report has a book published in which she argues that the ruling elite has resurrected feudalism by financializing the economy and offshoring middle class jobs. The title is New Left Tyranny, but it is about gangster state capitalism,” writes the leading political economist, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts in this analysis of the book: “Historically, …

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China is Winning the Economic Race with US – with Profound Consequences

China is Winning the Economic Race: Getty

  The Harvard Belfer Center report, “The Great Economic Rivalry: China Vs. the US,” predicts that at the current rate China will overtake the US economically within a decade. When it comes to trade, China has now displaced the US. “When this century began, China was knocking on the door of the WTO and the U.S. was the leading trading …

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To Remind: One Month Into Trump’s Presidency I Wrote His Presidency’s Obituary and Predicted What Was to Follow

Trump's Presidency: Requiem For Donald Trump: Herland Report AFP

  To remind: One month into Trump’s presidency (Febr.17, 2017) I wrote his presidency’s obituary and predicted what was to follow. Americans are faced with a Satanic threat against truth, and thereby liberty and morality, that they do not understand: Trump’s Presidency: Has Donald Trump overestimated his presidential power? The answer is yes. Is Steve Bannon, Trump’s main advisor, politically …

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The trend of cutting dependence on the US dollar is gaining steam across the globe

Verdien av tillit: Cutting dependence on the US dollar: cutting dependence on the US dollar and switching to national means of payment in international settlements is gaining steam, SputnikGlobe

  As the dollar declines, so does Washington’s power. Cutting dependence on the US dollar: The De-Dollarization discussion suffers from holdover thinking that a reserve currency is needed.  No reserve currency is needed.  Countries can settle their trade balances in their own currencies or contracts can specify the currencies of trade transactions.   Countries with low inflation and low debt will have stronger …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite