Tag Archives: economy

Western Civilization Is Ceasing to Exist

Western World Is Now a Tyranny: Western Civilization Ceasing to Exist: USA-Paul-Craig-Roberts-Herland-Report-2019

  Herland Report: Western Civilization Ceasing to Exist: I often explain that we are losing civilization. The risks come from many sources.  Among them is the growing risk of nuclear war; the rising police state in which behavior protected by the Constitution is criminalized despite the Constitution; unity supplanted by a Tower of Babel; fomented race and gender hatreds that …

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The American De-Industrialization and Poverty

Biden implements Communist Centralized Power: Biden Executive Order implements Communist Centralized Power to Rule the Bureaucracy Staggering 40 % believes Biden suffers from dementia, cognitive ailment, turning senile, People

  Herland Report: The American De-Industrialization: As I recently wrote, the US no longer has an economy.  America is a market for goods produced offshore with foreign labor that US global corporations sell to Americans.   The US which once produced its own manufactured goods and food now imports much of it.  The result is that fewer and fewer American incomes are based …

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Covid and the Ukraine war spells the death of Hyper Globalism

Hyper Globalism is over: Ammo

  Herland Report: Hyper Globalism is over: The post-1990s era of hyper-globalization is now commonly acknowledged to have come to an end. The COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s war against Ukraine have relegated global markets to a secondary and at best supporting role behind national objectives – in particular, public health and national security. But all the talk about deglobalization should …

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Europe: The slave of America

Europe, slave of America: Western sanctions hurt the West: Getty

  Herland Report: Europe, slave of America: The war in Ukraine has made it dreadfully clear that Europe has lost its independence and solely functions as a servant of American interests. European politicians are simply not working for the best interests of Europe. Rather, they are scrambling desperately to implement sanctions that weaken their own economies and make Russia filthy …

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Prepare for the Reality of Financial Collapse

Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction: Financial Collapse: Getty

  Herland Report: Financial Collapse: Financial experts and insiders have, for well over a decade, warned that a collapse of the U.S. currency is a mathematical inevitability, and this collapse will have global ramifications, as the dollar is the world’s reserve currency. U.S. inflation is currently at 8.3%, but in some markets, it’s in the double digits. Used car sales, …

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The Continuing American Collapse

America’s Stolen Guns:American Collapse: Ammo

  Herland Report: American Collapse: Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi are America’s best journalists. They are not talking heads on CNN or voices on NPR and they are not permitted to write for the New York Times. Moreover, they are both men of the left, so how can they be America’s best journalists? The answer is that they are honest. …

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The United States Has Committed Economic Suicide

Civil Unrest Ahead: U.S. Economic Suicide: The Collapse of America: Huffington Post.

  Herland Report: U.S. Economic Suicide: Two Examinations of US Economic Policy by Michael Hudson and Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Today I am pleased to present a double feature on economic policy. Michael Hudson leads off with an explanation of economic policy as a social cost to the working class, and I follow up with an explanation that US economic …

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Western sanctions may hurt the West and especially Europe much more than Russia

Europe, slave of America: Western sanctions hurt the West: Getty

  Herland Report: Western sanctions hurt the West: The strategy of imposing economic sanctions to hurt Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, may produce an economic fallout that is very different from what many expected. Who will be the economic losers from the Ukraine-Russia conflict in the short and long run? With soaring oil, gas and other commodities prices, Russia’s …

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