Tag Archives: federal reserve

Worse Financial Crisis than in 2008: The US Has the World Setup for Crisis

Worse Financial Crisis than in 2008: The notion of White Privilege is one of the most absurd fantasies in human history paul craig roberts

  There are two main avenues to a potential US financial crisis.  Such a crisis, because of US financial dominance and because of the interconnections of globalism, which was a huge mistake for humanity, would be international. Worse Financial Crisis than in 2008: One avenue to crisis is the Federal Reserve’s current policy of raising interest rates.  This policy follows many years …

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Bank Failure: The mindless policy implemented by the Federal Reserve cures inflation by producing bank runs, failed banks, and unemployment

Mindless policy by the Federal Reserve: The Federal Reserve oligarch owners: Getty

  The failure of Silicon Valley Bank (16th largest bank in US) last Friday resulted from depositors withdrawing their funds in response to a drop in value of the bank’s bond portfolios caused by the Federal Reserve’s ill-considered hikes in interest rates. The mindless policy implemented by the Federal Reserve cures inflation by producing bank runs, failed banks, and unemployment.   …

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On Marxist Victimization and Evil Capitalists

On Marxist Victimization and Evil Capitalists. JP

  Centerfold to the communist ideology so popular in the United States’ Marxist cancel culture mainstream narrative, is the rebellion against the ethical concept that good and evil runs through every human heart. Marxist Victimization: The cornerstone conservative view of morality is that each man needs self-discipline to restrain his wishes to indulge in selfishness at the expense of others. …

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Manipulated Economic Outlook: Financial media reports make no sense

Manipulated Economic Outlook: Ap

  As some readers have remarked in their messages to me, I ceased a while back my monthly reports on the Bureau of Labor Statistics jobs reports and inflation rate.   Manipulated Economic Outlook: The reason is that the numbers are not good enough to be able to discern what is the actual state of the economy.  Yet every new number is …

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Megathreats, deglobalization and the end of European greatness

Servants to the Billionaire Elites: The foolishness of our leaders: Megathreats, deglobalization and the end of European greatness: Getty Madrid 2022

  The world has entered a geopolitical depression, writes Dr. Nouriel Roubini, pointing at severe megathreats that spell dark days ahead.   This new era will resemble the tumultuous decades between 1914 and 1945, as the U.S. economic, financial, security unipolar world is challenged by four powers – China, Russia, Iran and North Korea. “There is a sharply rising risk …

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Is the Federal Reserve Merely Incompetent or Is There a Dark Agenda?

Federal Reserve Dark Agenda? Who owns the Federal Reserve

  I have never known the Federal Reserve make a good decision.  Indeed, disastrous decisions are the Fed’s hallmark.  There are many such disasters. Among them the Great Depression, the decade long consequence of the Federal Reserve Board’s failure to prevent the shrinkage of the US money supply. Federal Reserve Dark Agenda? In more recent times we had Brooksley Born, head of …

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The Federal Reserve Policy Is Mistaken

Federal Reserve Policy: A Complete Overhaul of the U.S. Financial System: USA federal reserve

  Federal Reserve Policy: Normally, recessions are the result of a reduction in liquidity by the Federal Reserve, the central bank, which is signaled by a rise in interest rates.   Normally, recessions are short-run affairs of 6 to 9 months.   Unemployment, which is as costly in its way as inflation, causes the Federal Reserve to relent and to increase liquidity, …

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An American solution for the Unpayable Corporate Debt

A solution for the Unpayable Corporate Debt: Business Insider

Herland Report: A solution for the Unpayable Corporate Debt: Even before the Covid-19 crisis had slashed stock prices nearly in half since it erupted in January, 2020, financial markets were in an inherently unstable condition. Years of quantitative easing had loaded so much money into stock and bond prices that stock price/earnings multiples and bond prices were far too high …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite