Tag Archives: Ghouta

Trump UK bombing Syria without UNSC mandate

The Quest for Mental Health: Hanne Nabintu Herland, founder of The Herland Report

The US and its allies struck civil and military facilities in Syria, violating the UN Charter and international law, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, responding to the American-French-British intervention in Syria. Washington launched “an aggression against a sovereign state which is at the forefront of the fight against terrorism,” the statement from the president said. Putin stressed that the multi-national strikes were not sanctioned …

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Two-third in US say media publishes fake news

Paul Craig Roberts Hanne Herland Report

  Two-thirds of Americans say that the mainstream media pushes fake news, 24 % among the British believe what they read in the press. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, one of America’s leading political economists and former editor of Wall Street Journal states the same. Watch the Herland Report show with Dr. Roberts here. And here. We know now, that we are …

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Manufacturing Chemical Consent in Syria? #Skripal #Ghouta


  Herland Report: We have for long stated that accusations of chemical attacks would probably be launched from rebels in Syria some time soon in order to provoke an escalation in Western involvement in Syria. Now it happened as expected in Douma, East Ghouta on April 7th, 2018. Yet, reports from the ground state that the “chemical attack” is fake …

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Mediepropaganda Syria som vår tids største katastrofe, Lars Jørgensen

Lars Jorgensen, Syria, Assad, Herland Report

  I forbindelse med den pågående debatten rundt Douma, Øst Ghouta og hvorvidt anklagene om kjemiske angrep er fabrikert eller ikke, gjengir vi en artikkel av den danske sosiologen Lars Jørgensen. Han omtaler forhold rundt Øst Aleppo, der rebeller mistet kontrollen og måtte forlate byen, sammenfallende likt situasjonen i Øst Ghouta der rebeller nå har mistet makten og må flykte. …

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Amal Wahab supports terrorists in Syria? Eva Thomassen

Journalist Amal Wahab supports terrorists in Syria? Eastern Ghouta battlefield

  Herland Report: The Norwegian journalist, Amal A. Wahab serves as a classic example of the propaganda-support for terrorist groups in Syria that keeps the West from getting a balanced look at the international geopolitical power play in the region.  Eva Thomassen asks in this article why, in her view, Western journalists like Amal Wahab so openly writes articles in …

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NATO støtter destabilisering av Ghouta, Syria – Eva Thomassen


  Herland Report: Den som leser mellom linjene, forstår at vi står overfor et skittent spill i Ghouta, som nå bevitnes og forstås av langt flere vanlige mennesker enn vestlige ledere ser ut til å ha fått med seg. Folk er ikke så naive som krigshissere som VG vil ha det til. Vi gjennomskuer propagandaen, vi forstår at VGs rolle …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite