Tag Archives: Hamas

Muslim leaders to Biden: Stop showering money on corrupt Palestinian leaders!

Corrupt Palestinian leaders: Wealthy Palestinian leaders and the Israel conflict: Where do all the billions in aid go: Flash90

  Herland Report: Corrupt Palestinian leaders: The message the Arabs and Muslims are sending to the Biden administration and other Western donors: Stop showering money on corrupt and failed Palestinian leaders. The Palestinian Authority says that it should be the only party in charge of the reconstruction and that all funds must be channeled through its government. Hamas, on the other …

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Israel and Aid Dependency in Gaza: The never ending need for hand outs from the West

Israel over 90 % vaccinated: Helrand Report

  Herland Report: Aid Dependency in Gaza: As numerous Arab nations such as Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Morocco, Sudan have forged peace agreements and business deals with Israel the past year, the Palestinian Authority has been somehow left in the dust of past grievances. Understandably, Hamas seems immensely happy about the latest conflict with Israel, as the mainstream media returns to …

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Wealthy Palestinian leaders and the Israel conflict: Where do all the billions in aid go – certainly not to regular Palestinians

Corrupt Palestinian leaders: Wealthy Palestinian leaders and the Israel conflict: Where do all the billions in aid go: Flash90

  Herland Report: Wealthy Palestinian leaders and the Israel conflict: As numerous Arab nations such as Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Marrocco, Sudan have forged peace agreements and business deals with Israel the past year, the Palestinian Authority has been somehow left in the dust of past conflicts. As known to everyone, the Palestinian leaders live off the Western aid industry as …

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West silent about Islamist Persecution of Christians #Turkey, Hagia Sophia

West silent about Islamist Persecution of Christians #Turkey, Hagia Sophia, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Islamist Persecution of Christians: In light of the recent conversion of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul to a Mosque, the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood intolerance towards religious plurality again becomes apparent. Hagia Sophia is a center piece artwork of Orthodox Christianity, which dominated the Middle East before the Islamic Conquest from the 600s AD onward. In 1453, Mehmed II, …

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TV serien Jerusalem med Hanne Nabintu intervjuer ledende stemmer i Midtøsten

JERUSALEM med Hanne Nabintu Herland

  Herland Report:  Herland Report: Dokumentaren i ti deler, “Jerusalem med Hanne Nabintu Herland” omhandler hvordan intellektuelle, aktivister og forskere i Midtøsten ser på Vesten og vårt engasjement i krigene i Midtøsten.   Herland samtaler med kjente professorer, forretningsmenn, statsmenn og diplomater om alt fra vestlig medias unyanserte blikk på Midtøsten og forfølgelsene mot de arabiske kristne. Serien eies av Herland’s …

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Hamas tvang tusener av sivile som levende skjold for Hamas – Michal Rachel Suissa

Det vulgære Norge: Herland Report banner

  Det er kun når boligområder og barnehager i Gaza treffes at dette angår “det internasjonale samfunn” som de vestlige journalistene kaller seg selv. Det som engasjerer “verdenssamfunnet” er det som mediene kaller “drap på ubevæpnede demonstranter” og som gir anledning til å fordømme Israel for noe Israel ikke har gjort. Det er ikke politisk korrekt å fortelle at Hamas …

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Norge støtter terror #Hamas #Syria

Swedish Doctors for Human Rights: White Helmets Staged Chemical Attack:

  Hanne Nabintu Herland:  Norge støtter terror: De siste årene har Norge fått et internasjonalt rykte som støttespiller for terrororganisasjoner. Man har kommet hit ved å følge antagelsen om at beste måten å motvirke terrorisme, er ved å gå i dialog. Det er imidlertid all grunn til å stille spørsmålstegn ved våre milde samtaler og rause pengegaver til islamister som …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite