Tag Archives: Jens Stoltenberg

Davos 2023 – Funeral of Globalism, next is Collapse of Western Dominance

Davos 2023 - Funeral of Globalism: World Economic Forum

  Ekaterina Blinova Reports “Globalization has died and Davos 2023 was its funeral.”  Read her report here. Davos 2023 – Funeral of Globalism: The neoconservative attack on Russia and China has a silver lining.  It has killed Globalism.   Russia and China and the countries dependent on Russian energy and Chinese goods and financing have been cut off from the WEF’s effort …

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Norge er ingen fredsnasjon, men ledende våpenhandler

Det vulgære Norge: Herland Report banner

  Herland Report: Dette er en fulltekst av Klassekampens 25.6.2016 utvidede kronikk: “Vår egen krigsmaskin.” Innlegget er en kortversjon av åpningsforedraget på Den Norske Filosofifestival, Kragerø i juni, 2016 der bade Eva Joly, Hylland-Eriksen, Trond Berg Eriksen, Terje Tvedt, Inga Bostad og en rekke andre deltok. Jeg vil i dette foredraget betrakte Norge fra en utenrikspolitisk vinkel som er svært …

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The peculiar hatred of Russia

The United States Could Easily Lose: Geneva 2021: Reuters

  The peculiar hatred of Russia: It seems that ever since Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential election of 2016 the western media and numerous politicians have been working especially hard to convince the world that the Russian government is little better than a modern version of Josef Stalin’s USSR. Part of the effort can be …

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International demand: Release Abdullah al-Senussi, Tripoli Libya

International demand: Tripoli to release Abdullah al-Senussi: Herland Report AP

  Herland Report: International demand: Release Abdullah al-Senussi: This analysis documents falsified accusations against Abdullah al-Senussi presented in the media in 2011, and calls for his release from prison in Tripoli, Libya. He is over 70 years old, has health issues and his release will demonstrate good will for national reconciliation as Libya seeks to unify the nation. Abdullah al-Senussi …

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Erna Solberg doble roller er problematisk: Enten bør hun gå av fra FN-jobben eller som statsminister – Pål Steigan

Erna Solberg doble roller er problematisk: CEPI World Economic Forum Davos, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Erna Solberg doble roller er problematisk: Både som FN leder og nasjonalstaten Norges leder, befinner hun seg i en problematisk interessekonflikt. Det mer hun bevilger til FN fra Norges skatte- og statsmidler, det mer populær blir hun internasjonalt. Men er dette i nasjonalstaten Norges interesser? Mens nordmenn får beskjed om å spare, stenge ned fødeavdelinger fordi vi …

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Corona skandalen: Solberg lydig tjener til milliardær Bill Gates og hans nettverk?

  Herland Report:  Regjeringen Solberg er lydige tjenere for verdens nest rikeste mann, Bill Gates? Er regjeringen Bill Gates slaver? Det kan se ut til at føydalismen gjeninnføres under nåværende regjering. Corona skandalen: Regjeringen Solberg er lydige tjenere til Bill Gates? Er det Norges folk og dets interesser, arbeiderne, bedriftslederne, skattebetalerne som tjenes eller styrtrike oligarker som leker pandemieksperter for …

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Trade War: China won Corona battle and will gain post Covid-19 frenzy

China’s Post-Pandemic Economic Growth: Valutainment

  Herland Report: China won this battle and will gain post Corona frenzy: We are in the middle of a US-China trade war, which China is winning. Just watch the Corona frenzy. “Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting,” says the Chinese military genius, Sun Tzu. In the West, nations trust the WHO numbers, reporting the Chinese …

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TV interview: Heartbreaking humanitarian tragedy Libya

Heartbreaking humanitarian tragedy in Libya. Herland Report Linda Ulstein

  Herland Report TV, Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks to Linda Ulstein ait Arezki, about the heartbreaking humanitarian tragedy in Libya post 2011 NATO. We address Saadi Gaddafi, Safia Farkash, Aisha Gaddafi, Hannibal Gaddafi and the heartbreaking fate of the family of the late Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi. Watch here. Mme. Ulstein: “Thank you for giving me the chance to raise …

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US and NATO in Iraq is All About the Oil

US and NATO in Iraq is All About the Oil:

  Herland Report: US and NATO in Iraq is All About the Oil: Many do the mistake of believing without thinking what they read in the leading newspapers. For example, that NATO is now engaged in Iraq to “protect civilians”. The safest bet when analyzing which news are cover-ups is to follow the money. Who gains economically from US or …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite