Ledende medier hovedkilde til Fake News: Ledende medier var viktigste leverandører av Fake News i 2011. Man hyllet “den arabiske våren” som notorisk ledet til at sekulære, islam-liberale ledere ble fjernet og radikale islamister og sunni-ekstremister tok makten i land etter land i Midtøsten. Mediene var propagandakanaler til støtte for radikale ekstremisters verdensbilde. Man ble islamistenes største hjelpere. Den …
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Gaddafi’s wife Safia Farkash and Aisha Gaddafi still on travel ban, no access to accounts
Herland Report: The story of the wife of Muammar Gaddafi, Safia Farkash post 2011 is merciless. It is hard to find anything positive to say about the NATO assault on Libya, 2011. It is now common knowledge that what the Americans did was help the Al Qaida affiliated groups to power. Since then, Libya has plunged into a dehumanizing …
Read More »Medieløgnene om Libya krigen: Gaddafi, Sarkozy og eksil-libyeres rolle
Herland Report: Medieløgnene om Libya krigen: Storbritannia leverte sin i 2016 og undersøkelsen viste massiv feilinformasjon og Fake News fra de ledende mediene. En lang rekke avgjørende løgner ble presentert i media om Gaddafi og situasjonen i februardagene, 2011, løgner som fungerte som portåpnere for NATOs krigføring. NATOs krigføring og bidrag til folkemordet i Libya er et av vår …
Read More »Libya in ruins, yet NATO Jens Stoltenberg would gladly crush Libya again
The 2011 war on Libya led to a failed state, civil war, al-Qaida militia control, 3 million refugees and massive persecution of black Libyans. Yet, Libya under Moammar Gadhafi was Africa’s richest country, a middle-income nation with free health care and free education for both men and women. In 2007, then-President George W. Bush hailed Gadhafi as an example of good …
Read More »Vi ønsker alle muslimer en riktig god Ramadan
Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland ønsker alle muslimer i Norge en riktig god Ramadan. Artikkelen er en respons til at partiet Høyres Facebook side ble nedrent av negative kommentarer da partiet ønsket muslimer i Norge god Ramadan. Etter mange år med medier som nærmest ensidig har malt et negativt inntrykk av muslimer som generalisert gruppe, er det norske folk …
Read More »US citizen Khalifa Haftar and Russian ally is doomed to fail
Herland Report: Sasha Toperich: US citizen and long term CIA operative Khalifa Haftar, has been a player on the Libya scene ever since he moved from the US in 2011 to join the NATO war. But it is hard to win a war without the support of the Libyan Tribes, who basically constitute the Libyan civil society. With the …
Read More »Jens Stoltenberg NATO is now global attack force
NATO is now global attack force: The Norwegian NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg is sadly still in office and the very best puppet of the US Liberals, so good at parroting the wishes of the establishment that he recently was awarded an extended term – which is very rare. Most heads of NATO last maximum 5 years. Apparently the …
Read More »Jens Stoltenbergs tale i Kongressen: Grenseløs frekkhet, løgnaktighet og hykleri
Herland Report: Så har Jens Stoltenberg fått sine våte drømmer oppfylt. Han har fått tale til Kongressen i USA og blitt møtt med ovasjoner og stående applaus. Og her hjemme er naturligvis mediene over seg i begeistring. Men det var en farlig og løgnaktig tale Stoltenberg holdt. Talerskriverne hadde naturligvis skapt en tale som skulle innynde seg i Kongressen …
Read More »NATO is now global attack force #JensStoltenberg
Herland Report: NATO is now global attack force: The NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg is still in office. He is the very best puppet of the globalist elite, so good at parroting the wishes of the neo-cons that he recently was awarded an extended term – which is very rare. Most heads of NATO last maximum 5 years. Apparently …
Read More »Notorious liar Hillary Clinton manipulate Norway Labor Party to access Norway Fund?
Norway was recently the focal point of a generous Hillary Clinton visit, March 8, 2019. We assume the Clinton Foundation needs more funding and Norway might just be an excellent place to start. Norway, at the time led by the Norwegian Socialist Labor Party, was among the top three foreign states (with Saudi Arabia and Qatar) who paid hundreds …
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