Tag Archives: Joe Biden

Afghanistan Graveyard of Empires: Marks Total Neo-Con Failure

Afghanistan Graveyard of Empires: Getty British Soldiers

  Herland Report: Afghanistan Graveyard of Empires: The United States came to Afghanistan to “look for Osama bin Laden.”  Twenty years on, after countless speeches about bringing democracy and women’s rights to Afghanistan, the U.S. is kicked out of the country in a remarkably public Taliban showdown, now labelled the Second Vietnam surrender.   The Taliban capture of Kabul may be the …

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Joe Biden keeps quoting Mao Zedong, Communist leader responsible for 45 million killed: America turning Communist

Mao Zedong America: Joe Biden keeps quoting Mao Zedong, Herland Report AFP

  Herland Report: Joe Biden keeps quoting Mao Zedong, Communist leader responsible for 45 million killed: As the United States seem to turn to Marxism, it is but fitting that President Joe Biden steadily quotes the Chinese Communist leader, Mao. He was notorious for human rights abuses in China as millions lost their lives in prison camps and starvation during his …

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Systemic racism manufactured by Elite to control Population and make Millions?

Systemic racism manufactured by Elite: George Floyd FOX Tucker Carlson now announce what we wrote two months ago: George Floyd was not killed by police, but by overdose of Fentanyl Opioid, Herland Report

  Former Arizona police officer-turned conservative political commentator Brandon Tatum unloaded on President Biden and the press for politicizing the Derek Chauvin trial, and insists that so-called ‘systemic racism’ is simply manufactured by politicians and the media to earn votes and make money. “I think we’re living in the twilight zone,” Tatum said of the Chauvin trial. “This conviction, in my …

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Most Popular President In US History Inaugurated In Secret Behind Giant Wall Guarded By Thousands Of Soldiers

The Collapsing American Military: Getty

  Herland Report: President Joe Biden was inaugurated this week, and due to his incredible popularity with the American people, he was inaugurated in a top-secret location behind a massive 12-foot electric wall guarded by 30,000 heavily armed soldiers, states BabylonBee. “The reason President-elect Biden has to do this is that he’s just so incredibly popular,” said Don Lemon on …

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Requiem For Donald Trump

Trump's Presidency: Requiem For Donald Trump: Herland Report AFP

  Herland Report:  Requiem For Donald Trump: Attorney General Bill Barr, another of Trump’s mistakes, has sold out not only President Trump but also American democracy, thus proving that it is pointless to vote for Republicans. Barr has again repeated in the face of conclusive evidence that the November presidential election was organized to be stolen and successfully was stolen …

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2.7 Million Trump Ballots Deleted; Alleged Ballot Fraud in Dominion Voting Systems

Trump's Presidency: Requiem For Donald Trump: Herland Report AFP

  Herland Report: Ballot Fraud in Dominion Voting Systems? With the American election still undecided, lawyers are working to determine whether the reported media victory for Joe Biden was determined by voter fraud. This voter fraud was allegedly made possible through backdating mail in ballots, allowing unregistered voters to vote, counting days past the election, and it all systematized by …

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Joe Biden’s Foreign Policy: Neoliberalism shall return Full Force

Biden implements Communist Centralized Power: Biden Executive Order implements Communist Centralized Power to Rule the Bureaucracy Staggering 40 % believes Biden suffers from dementia, cognitive ailment, turning senile, People

  Herland Report: Subsequent to the Captured State’s nearly four-year setback in its attempt to shape the world to suit their Globalist-Neoliberal agenda, let’s examine what the Biden-Harris regime’s foreign policy might look like, writes author and published scholar on the US monetary system, Steve Brown for The Herland Report.   CHINA Perhaps controversial to some, no nation should give …

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Horrible national security nightmare: Hunter Biden’s laptop

National security nightmare of Hunter Biden's laptop Hunter-Biden-AP Herland Report

  Herland Report: The past week was notorious for the Hunter Biden laptop story which broke at New York Post. Twitter then banned the story, deleted the New York Post tweet, with national uproar over the allegations that Twitter and the mainstream media is protecting Hunter Biden. Daily Mail reports on the Hunter Biden laptop content that the US mainstream …

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Glenn Greenwald: American media in polarized culture war that destroys journalism

Hunter and Joe Biden, Getty, Herland Report

  Glenn Greenwald, censored by the online media institution that he founded, has resigned from The Intercept. He was not allowed to report on the Biden scandal.  Greenwald writes:  “American media is gripped in a polarized culture war that is forcing journalism to conform to tribal, groupthink narratives that are often divorced from the truth and cater to perspectives that …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite