Tag Archives: Mossad

Morocco in peace treaty with Israel, joins UAE, Bahrain, Sudan


  Herland Report: Morocco in peace treaty with Israel, joins UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, while Ramallah watches in silence. After its harsh denunciations of countries that established open ties with Israel failed to yield results, the PA is now keeping quiet on Morocco’s decision to normalize. In a sign of how much things have changed in just the past four months, …

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Jeffrey Epstein, where did his money come from? Mossad? CIA? – Steve Brown

Jeffrey Epstein Pedophilia AP Herland Report

  Herland Report: Why is there so little information about the source of Jeffrey Epstein’s revenue? What the political class really wants to hide is the Federal Reserve’s bail-out for a child abuse sex criminal to the tune of $6,7 billion with US taxpayer funds, – not just the financial products he helped create that contributed to the financial collapse …

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Jeffrey Epstein, murder or murder or…suicide?


  Herland Report: In an interview with Associated Press, US Attorney General William Barr put all conspiracy theories to rest once and for all by assuring the world that alleged sex trafficker and alleged billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s death was simply the result of a very, very, very long series of unfortunate coincidences…? This writes Caitlin Johnston, notorious blogger, journalist and …

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Did Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Work for Mossad? – Phil Giraldi

  Herland Report: In light of the Prince Andrew scandal, read Dr. Phil Giraldi’s well researched article about Jeffrey Epstein and his associates in the rare revelation of under cover sex offenses: The extent of Israeli spying directed against the United States is a huge story that is only rarely addressed in the mainstream media. The Jewish state regularly tops …

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