Tag Archives: nationalism

PODCAST: Norway Resurging National Identity

Helge Lurås Hanne Nabintu HErland Report

  Herland Report Podcast host, Hanne Herland speaks with Helge Lurås, chief editor of the Norway news agency Resett about the media, immigration, national sovereignty, Russia and the faltering EU. “Our media is a reflection of the established paradigm which is not so credible anymore,” says Lurås. He speaks about the European revolt against borderless societies, the illiberal politically-correct mainstream …

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17 mai Norge: Vi feirer nasjonalstaten, fedrelandet, selvstendigheten, vikingtiden

Norway, Herland Report 17 mai

  Herland Report: Vi feirer Henrik Wergeland, den norske selvstendige bonden, vi feirer fiskerne langs kysten, oljearbeiderne, båtrederne som skapte arbeidsplasser for titusener av nordmenn. Vi feirer vikingtiden og historiske ekspansjonsfaser der vår kultur formet Europa, vi feirer de dyktige handelsmenn som bragte velstand til landet, de verdenskjente nordmenn slik som Fridtjof Nansen, Edvard Grieg, Henrik Ibsen og Ole Bull. Vi …

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Why Do Central Europeans Love Israel So Much?

  Periods of major political transformation have never been particularly easy for Jews, and the current moment is no exception. Anti-Semitism is ascendant in Europe and many fear that the resurgence of nationalism will exacerbate it. But there is a twist: Anti-Semitism’s rise in Europe is being accompanied by a growing fascination among Europe’s hard right with Israel and, in …

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European revolt against globalism, borderless societies

Helge Lurås Hanne Herland Report studio

  Herland Report: European revolt against globalism: Helge Lurås is founder and president of The Center for International Strategic Analysis in Norway. In this conversation with The Herland Report, he speaks about the European revolt against borderless societies, the illiberal politically-correct mainstream media and the current political elites. He believes new paradigms are inevitable, world views that will strengthen national …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite