Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite
Helge Lurås Hanne Herland Report studio

European revolt against globalism, borderless societies


Herland Report: European revolt against globalism: Helge Lurås is founder and president of The Center for International Strategic Analysis in Norway. In this conversation with The Herland Report, he speaks about the European revolt against borderless societies, the illiberal politically-correct mainstream media and the current political elites.

He believes new paradigms are inevitable, world views that will strengthen national identity and historical, religious European roots.



European revolt against globalism: The conversation address the break-up of Europe and the forces behind Brexit, the surprising rise of Donald Trump and the mainstream media war on his presidency.

We also speak about the demonization of Russia which for a large part hurts Europe, and other issues.




The Herland Report is a Scandinavian news site, TV channel on YouTube and Podcasts reaching millions yearly.

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The Herland Report offers Independent Cultural Analysis and believes in freedom of speech. Its editorial policy resides above the traditional Left vs Right paradigm which we believe has lost its relevance and ability to describe the current driving forces in Western politics.

The Herland Report is founded by Hanne Nabintu Herland, a Scandinavian historian of comparative religions, bestselling author, commentator and TV producer, known from the media for sharp analysis and fearless speech.

She was born and raised in Africa, has lived in Europe, South America, in the Middle East, and travelled extensively in Asia.

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