Tag Archives: NATO war in Africa

The Looting of Africa under corrupt African leaders? George Soros Open Society

Washing copper Africa exploited Herland Report AP

  Herland Report: In light of the current globalist trend where financial acrobats are rigging and manipulating the financial markets in an unprecedented scale, Africa is a continent worth looking at. Hedge fund managers such as George Soros has long been invested in the continent, this article explains how. Anglo-Dutch cartels in oil, strategic minerals, and diamonds, have looted and …

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Rwanda President Kagame criticizes African Leaders for lack of Responsibility

paul kagame getty rwanda africa

Herland Report: In the wake of NATO’s new war in Africa, the modern Scramble of Africa where the US/NATO are stepping up the trade war on China, where are the voice of the African leaders? [pullquote]Kagame: African leaders go to Europe for the photo opportunity, to sit with the president of France to talk about Africa’s problems.[/pullquote] How do they …

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Rwanda under Paul Kagame: From Genocide to Fast Growing Economy

paul kagame newsweek rwanda africa.

  Herland Report: In addressing the current secret NATO/US war in Africa, the new Scramble for Africa in which Western forces attempt to regain control over vital African resources that China for the most part controls, we ask why African leaders allow this scramble to continue year after year. Does Africa have non-corrupt, responsible leaders who look after the best …

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The Secret NATO War in Africa: Surveillance State and Mercinaries

Covid Spared Africa: Bill Gates dislikes Africa population growth: Black Creative Group.

  Herland Report: Steve Brown: The Warsaw Pact may no longer exist, but by contrast the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is expanding its perceived role – the enforcement of western interest – especially in resource-rich Africa. NATO’s expansion in Africa is intended to assert western corporate influence, where Macron’s France apparently wishes to usurp Germany as the major influential European …

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