Tag Archives: NATO

Dokumentet som startet krigen mot terror og flyktningstrøm, Niels Harrit

  Herland Report: De lagliga grunderna för invasionen av Irak 2003 har blivit ifrågasatta i flertalet länder. Den mest välkända är Chilcot-utredningen i Storbritannien, vilken startade 2009 och resulterade i en rapport 2016. Undersökningen handlade inte om legaliteten av krigshandlingen, men den brittiska regeringen blev starkt kritiserad för att inte ha tillhandahållit en rättslig grund för attacken, skriver Dr. Niels …

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The NATO Libya atrocities will not go away, #Khalid al-Khuwailidi al-Humaidi

Russia and Wagner Group tried to bring Saif al-Islam Gaddafi to power in Libya: Saif al Islam Gaddafi Libya News Herland Report

  Herland Report: The NATO Libya atrocities in Libya 2011 do not seem to quite go away. New stories continually appear on the horrifying situation in today’s Libya under militia rule, as the country is continually experiencing a devastating civil war. The Western media still keeps conveniently silent about the atrocities committed against civilians in Libya, fully aware that the …

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Samuel Huntington, the clash of civilizations and Libya

Following the 1993 publishing of the book “Clash of Civilizations?” by the political scientist Samuel Huntington, it has only become more evident how prescient his thesis was at this time when looking at the US’ foreign policy in the Middle East. Huntington hypothesized that in the decades following the end of the Cold War; political conflicts would be rooted in …

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EKSKLUSIVT om Libya krigen 2011, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi

  Dr. Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, sønn av Libyas avdøde leder, Muammar Gaddafi skriver i dette memorandumet, eksklusivt gitt til The Herland Report, fra libyere som lever midt i borgerkrigen som har rast i Libya siden NATO angrep Libya i 2011. Memorandumet ble publisert på Herland Report i 2017 på engelsk og gikk verden rundt.  Storbritannia foretok som kjent sin analyse …

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How the West turned the Middle East into Arab Winter

Det vulgære Norge: Herland Report banner

  The West turned the Middle East into Arab Winter: Throughout history, democratic leaders have occasionally shown an extraordinary talent in destabilizing the world. This was the case in Germany leading up to World War II. It also seems to apply to the current American foreign policy in the Middle East. The invention of the Arab spring has turned into …

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The Western Demonization of Muslims

How the West lost its Greatness: New Left Tyranny, by bestselling author Hanne Nabintu Herland

  Foreign Policy Journal: The war in Syria may soon be over, yet another US and allies’ defeat. Looking back, the miserable anarchy created by Western interventions the past years in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Syrian and so on, is quite a horrifying testament to failed American foreign policy.  It’s like new “Vietnam”s where things steadily go terribly wrong. …

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Trump UK bombing Syria without UNSC mandate

The Quest for Mental Health: Hanne Nabintu Herland, founder of The Herland Report

The US and its allies struck civil and military facilities in Syria, violating the UN Charter and international law, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, responding to the American-French-British intervention in Syria. Washington launched “an aggression against a sovereign state which is at the forefront of the fight against terrorism,” the statement from the president said. Putin stressed that the multi-national strikes were not sanctioned …

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NATO støtter destabilisering av Ghouta, Syria – Eva Thomassen


  Herland Report: Den som leser mellom linjene, forstår at vi står overfor et skittent spill i Ghouta, som nå bevitnes og forstås av langt flere vanlige mennesker enn vestlige ledere ser ut til å ha fått med seg. Folk er ikke så naive som krigshissere som VG vil ha det til. Vi gjennomskuer propagandaen, vi forstår at VGs rolle …

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Før Libya krigen 2011: Afrikas rikeste land #Jonas Gahr Støre

Muammar Gaddafi UN Herland Report

  Herland Report: Libya krigen førte til at Al Qaida affilierte grupper tok makten, og til dags dato ligger landet i ruiner. Dette skjer i dag mens vestlige observatører er fullstendig klar over at ISIS, Al Qaida, salafi, takfiri og andre militsgrupper tyranniserer lokalbefolkningen. Det pågår overgrep, voldtekt av både menn og kvinner, kidnapping av voksne og barn, drap, etnisk rensning …

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NATO assault in Libya will never be forgotten

NATO assault in Libya will never be forgotten:

  Herland Report: The NATO assault in Libya will never be forgotten: In our lifetime NATO has gone from being a transatlantic defense organization to an aggressive political alliance which attacks weak states wherever American interests are threatened. NATO’s brutal war and contribution to the Libya war is one of the worst examples of Western assault in modern history. In …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite