Tag Archives: new book

Paul C. Roberts book review of The Billionaire World, number 1 bestseller on Amazon: One of the Few Remaining European Intellects Stands Up for Truth as the Guarantor of Liberty

Hanne Herland’s main message: Number 1 on Amazon: The Billionaire World. How Marxism serves the Elite. By Hanne Nabintu Herland.

  Dr. Paul Craig Roberts’ book review of The Billionaire World: Hanne Herland is a leading intellect of the Western world.  She is a defender of civilization and Christian morality and a stalwart opponent of the Satanic forces that are attacking our civilization.   In her new book, The Billionaire World, she explains the variety of assaults on Western civilization that are undermining …

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How Billionaire-funded NGOs control the Media Public Narrative. New book explains

Cancelling the Protestant Ethic is Suicide: Mastodonte companies completely dominate: Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite

  Billionaire-funded NGOs: The billionaire gaining control over democratic processes has happened through lavish private payments to NGOs, politicians and the media – if they do as told. Think about it: An elected politician in the United States Congress may hold stocks in an oil company, Big Pharma, or the military industry—after having run for Congress, paid for by the …

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Mastodonte companies completely dominate our way of life: New book “The Billionaire World” explains How

Cancelling the Protestant Ethic is Suicide: Mastodonte companies completely dominate: Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite

  The Billionaire World. How Marxism serves the Elite: In the West, the ultra-rich own almost everything. Private investment corporations such as Blackrock, Vanguard, Capital World, Berkshire Hathaway and State Street represent capital owners who dominate media companies, Big Tech, Big Pharma, the military complex, real estate and the food industry. Buy it here! Whichever industry you take a look …

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“The Billionaire World. How Marxism serves the Elite” by Hanne Nabintu Herland is a razor sharp analysis of how the elites use Marxist repression to achieve their goals

The Billionaire World Politicians: The West without a Moral Compass: Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite

  Hanne Nabintu Herland’s latest book, The Billionaire World. How Marxism serves the Elite is a razor sharp analysis of how the corporate and political elites use Marxist repression of the people to achieve their goals. Read the shocking story of how Marxism was used to curb freedom. Buy it here!     In the West, the ultra-rich control almost everything. …

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The Billionaire World and Globalist Capitalism: Lack of Ethical Standards

Cancelling the Protestant Ethic is Suicide: Mastodonte companies completely dominate: Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite

  Globalist capitalism, the economic system that became dominant since the 1980s, fundamentally deviates from historic capitalism. It is heavily influenced by the Marxist revolt against traditional virtues. In my new book, The Billionaire World. How Marxism serves the Elite, I point out that this is key as the rebellion against historic capitalism and its ethical standards, creates an moral …

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Paul Craig Roberts: Important book about Gangster State Capitalism and Returning Feudalism – by Hanne Herland “New Left Tyranny”

New book about Gangster State Capitalism and Returning Feudalism: Paul Craig Roberts

  “Hanne Herland of the European Herland Report has a book published in which she argues that the ruling elite has resurrected feudalism by financializing the economy and offshoring middle class jobs. The title is New Left Tyranny, but it is about gangster state capitalism,” writes the leading political economist, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts in this analysis of the book: “Historically, …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite