Tag Archives: Norwegian Nobel Committee

Donald Trump for Nobel Peace Prize 2019, says Norwegian Hanne Herland

Hanne Herland Report Donald Trump for Nobel Peace Prize 2019:

  Simply by showing good will and attempting to pull forces out of Syria, the work to end the North Korean crisis, the efforts to end the Kashmir crisis, president Donald Trump is a far more worthy Nobel Peace Prize winner than US war president, Barack Obama ever was. He received the Nobel in the midst of escalating the war …

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Nobel Committee should award Trump the Peace Prize

Donald Trump BBC Herland Report

  Herland Report: Norwegian Nobel Committee has become notorious the past years for almost solely giving the Peace Prize to US mainstream media favourites, disregarding the requirements stated in the will of the inventor of dynamite, In Sweden, Alfred Nobel’s family are rattling the sables in discontentment of the rampant politization of the prize in the hands of the Norwegians, …

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