Tag Archives: Odd Nerdrum

Cave of Apelles: Adara Ryum on Biblical references in Henrik Ibsen plays / Nerdrum School

Cave of Apelles: Adara Ryum on Biblical references in Henrik Ibsen plays / Nerdrum School, Herland Report

  Herland Report: The concealed Biblical references in Henrik Ibsen’s late plays is the topic of this month’s Cave of Apelles, produced by Bork Spildo. The theater expert, Adara Ryum, makes her appearance to talk about the dramatist Henrik Ibsen and performance practice. Ryum points out how «updating» Ibsen always implies turning him into political propaganda, and that «modernizing» classical …

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Nerdrum School Nic Thurman on Memorosa Group, Edvard Munch’s Decline

Nic Thurman on Memorosa Group: Nerdrum School Herland Report

  Herland Report: Nic Thurman on Memorosa Group: In this month’s episode of The Cave of Apelles, produced by Bork Spildo has invited kitsch painter and member of the Memorosa Group, Nic Thurman, to the show. Thurman is the fourth member of the Memorosa Group to guest the show — in addition to Öde Nerdrum, Sebastian Salvo, and William Heimdal …

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Cave Of Apelles Sebastian Salvo: Why Competition is Necessary, Nerdrum School

Sebastian Salvo Cave Of Apelles Nerdrum School Herland Report

  Herland Report: In the anniversary episode of The Nerdrum School initiative, Cave of Apelles, host Jan-Ove Tuv invites the painter Sebastian Salvo back to the show to talk about composition, the early Renaissance and the importance of competition among painters. Produced by Bork Spildo.   Finding patterns   The composition of a painting – that is, how to arrange …

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Jan-Ove Tuv, Nerdrum School: Kulturpolitikken hemmer kunstnerisk frihet

Jan-Ove Tuv Hanne Herland Report Kulturpolitikk

  Herland Report TV (HTV): “Kunst er menneskehetens pulsåre, det som holder oss sammen og opplyser oss om historien vår. I dag knuses kunsten totalt av den politiske kontrollen over kulturpolitikk,” sier Jan-Ove Tuv, klassisk maler i samarbeider med The Nerdrum School of Painting. Han er også programleder for Cave of Apelles, programserien som ser på forholdet mellom den figurative …

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Cave of Apelles by Nerdrum School: Joakim Ericsson on Life in Gaming

Cave of Apelles Joakim Ericsson, Herland Report

  Cave of Apelles, produced by Bork Spildo: Co-founder and former Academic Director of the Florence Academy of Art in Gothenburg, Joakim Ericsson, is a creator of fantasy worlds and peak moments. In this month’s Cave of Apelles, he shares his story of how he went from being a classical painter and successful instructor to becoming a digital painter working …

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Cave of Apelles Nerdrum School: Classical Painting in China, Cheng Wu

Classical Painting in China: Cheng Wu. Herland Report.

  Classical Painting in China: This month, Cheng Wu, who is a Chinese classical painter. Technically, he is strongly influenced by the smooth painting style of Eugène Carrière. Philosophically, he follows the Taoist mindset. Produced by Bork Spildo. Watch it here! Wu shares his experiences from being a classical figurative painter in China today. He also addresses unearthing similarities and …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite