Tag Archives: pedofili

Go to jail for speaking out against pedophilia? Tommy Robinson

Go to jail for speaking out against pedophilia? Tommy Robinson

  Since Friday, the case of British anti-militant Islam and anti-islamization of Europe activist, Tommy Robinson has spread across the globe, with the hashtag #FreeTommy gaining traction among his followers from Australia to the U.S. A change.org petition calling for his release had received nearly 500,000 signatures by Tuesday afternoon, with hundreds demonstrating in London, writes the Guardian. The anger stems …

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Kampen mot dobbeltmoral og maktmisbruk

Det vulgære Norge: Herland Report banner

  Herland Report: Adresseavisens avsløringer av pedofilisaken der forhenværende biskop Georg Müller var involvert, vitner om den type journalistisk håndverk vi trenger mer av i Norge. For kampen mot dobbeltmoral og maktmisbruk var en av kristendommens grunnlegger Jesus’ hovedsaker den gangen han tuslet rundt i kjortel og sandaler. Datidens religiøse ledere ble så forarget over hans frittalende stil med opprop …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite