Tag Archives: quran

Forfalskning av Koranen pågått i langvarige prosesser – Trond Ali Linstad

Forfalskning av Koranen pågått i langvarige prosesser - Trond Ali Linstad Herland Report

  Herland Report: Trond Ali Linstad er en kjent muslim i Norge. Han har i mange år hatt TV programmer om Koranen og forklarer i denne artikkelen at forfalskningen av Koranen har pågått i langvarige prosesser. Dette er viktig å ha kunnskap om, nettopp fordi vår tid preges av en markant islamsk ekstremisme, som Linstad sier er u-islamsk og politisk …

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Islamic Human Rights Prize, Teheran 2018, given to Trond Ali Linstad

Islamic Human Rights Prize, Teheran 2018, given to Trond Ali Linstad

  The Islamic Human Rights Prize, Teheran 2018 , has been given to one of the most vocal Norwegian Muslims, Dr. Trond Ali Linstad, for his relentless work for the marinalized in society and those who suffer. He has been the leader of the Palestine movement in Norway. He shares it with Sheikh Ikrama Sabir, Jerusalem/Al Quds. He is one of …

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Wahhabism breaks with the teaching of the Quran – Trond Ali Linstad

Saudi Arabia wahhabisme er betydelig ideologisk trussel mot Europa: Trond Ali Linstad, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Wahhabists/fundamentalists, for whom beard shaving is forbidden, condemn Christians, Jews, followers of other religions and Muslims who disagree with them, declaring them “apostates”, “heathens”, and “infidels” who deserve to be killed and massacred, writes Dr. Trond Ali Linstad for The Herland Report. The Wahhabist campaign has reached Norway. Mosques are being built and usable spaces are being …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite