Tag Archives: Racism in America

Battlefield America: The Ongoing American War on Americans

Battlefield America: Ongoing War on the American People Mintpress

  Herland Report: Battlefield America: What is now happening in the United States is what a state of undeclared martial law looks like, when you can be arrested, tasered, shot, brutalized and in some cases killed merely for not complying with a government agent’s order or not complying fast enough. This isn’t just happening in crime-ridden inner cities. It’s happening …

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Systemic racism manufactured by Elite to control Population and make Millions?

Systemic racism manufactured by Elite: George Floyd FOX Tucker Carlson now announce what we wrote two months ago: George Floyd was not killed by police, but by overdose of Fentanyl Opioid, Herland Report

  Former Arizona police officer-turned conservative political commentator Brandon Tatum unloaded on President Biden and the press for politicizing the Derek Chauvin trial, and insists that so-called ‘systemic racism’ is simply manufactured by politicians and the media to earn votes and make money. “I think we’re living in the twilight zone,” Tatum said of the Chauvin trial. “This conviction, in my …

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INTERVIEW John Whitehead: Militarization of Police Forces and Police Brutality

JOhn Whitehead at HErland Report thumb

  Herland Report host, Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks to Constitutional attorney, John Whitehead about the US militarization of police forces and police brutality. Whitehead also addresses the deliberate dumbing down of the American people, rampant culture of fear, the sovietization of American society and lack of respect for the first amendment in the Constitution. Watch it here.     John …

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Race in America: Bishop Harry Jackson on the need to heal the divide

Exclusive interview: US Bishop Harry Jackson says illegal immigration is New Slavery, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Exclusive: Hanne Nabintu Herland interviews leading American black pastor about tribalism and reconciliation. At The Herland Report YouTube channel we regularly have the privilege of sit downs with leading intellectuals, bestselling authors and activists. In a divisive time, the wisdom of the forefront spiritual leader, Bishop Harry Jackson, in the Herland Report exclusive interview below, gives Christian perspectives to the current hatred and ethnic …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite